he cheats with you (idea from perrieariana)

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Daniel: You rolled off of Daniel, and the realization kicked in. You guys didn't say anything about Lucy. "Daniel what about Lucy?" You quickly sat up. His eyes went wide. "Sh**! Oh my god." He sat up as well. He slowly calmed down. "Is it bad that I don't regret what we did though?" He asked. "Daniel she loves you very much." You started getting dressed. "But I love you very much." He said quietly, slipping on shorts. "What?" You were shocked. "I love you." He walked toward you. "Don't you love me?" His eyes showed how much he cared. You nodded, falling into his chest. "Lucy is going to hate us." You sighed.
You were over at Beaus house, helping him surprise Chesley when she got home. Things were fine, but then he played music. You both started dancing. It was so fun. You two were tired and plopped onto the couch. "I love you Beau." You laughed. You looked over at him, and he was shocked. You quickly covered your mouth, "did I just say that?" You whispered. He nodded, still In shock. You jumped up and raced for the door, but Beau came after you. He grabbed your arm and turned you around, and kissed you. You kissed back. But then you heard the lock to the door being turned. You pushed away, and Chelsey came in the door. "Beau!" She shouted, hugging him tight. You stood awkwardly as Beau stared at you over Chesley's shoulder.
You were on your couch, and were texting James. He was home alone too, because his girlfriend Katie was out for work. He texted you asking if he could come over. You told him ya and within minutes he was in your house.

When he settled on the couch next to you, he turned off the tv. "I had a dream." Was all he said. "It was about you. You looked so beautiful, like you do all the time. You were so funny and sweet, like you are all the time. I spent the entire day with you, and I realized.... I love you (your name)." He was shaky. "James, what about Katie?" You were shocked. "It's not about Katie, I don't love her the way I love you. Please. Do you love me too?" His eyes were getting glossy. "James- I... I've always loved you." You smiled. He tackled you onto the couch, kissing you. You both were interrupted by his phone vibrating on the table. It was Katie.
You and Jai just... Just did it. Things got Heated and it happened. You tried reminding him of Ariana, but he just kept on doing what he was doing.

You have always had a love for him, but never wanted to see Ariana heartbroken. Jai was obviously in love with Ariana. Jai flopped down next to you, and you both stared at the ceiling. "What about Ariana?" You could finally say. Jai sat up quickly, jumping out of bed and slipping on some clothes. You sat up, "Jai?" You asked quietly. "I forgot about Ariana. I'm sorry, I just, I have to go." He was shaky, running out of the room. Before he left, he leaned in the door, "this stay between us, please." He said. You nodded, on the verge of tears. He shut the door, and left you in your bed, in tears.
You and Luke were getting dressed for kiana's party later. You hadn't mentioned her after what you and Luke just did. But you need to. "Luke. What will Kiana think if she finds out." You asked quietly. "Listen (your name). For right now this can stay between us.
I wouldn't have done this if I loved Kiana. But I love you. We will figure things out, but please don't hate me when you see me with Kiana. I'm going to end things between me and her eventually, but it's her birthday." He sighed. You nodded, and he pulled you to his chest, kissing your forehead. "I love you." He whispered.

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