You leave him heartbroken

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Daniel: Daniel is a great boyfriend and loves you more than you think he does. You are his world, his life. But sometimes, you feel you are more of his best friend than his girlfriend.

You were on tour with Daniel and you really wanted to spend some time alone with Daniel since he has been doing shows all day. But he wanted to go out with the guys to this bar down the road from your hotel.

"Babe please stay home. I miss you." You said feeling really unhappy. "No.. I really want to hang out with the guys tonight. Maybe tomorrow?" Daniel asked forcing a smile on his face. On the inside, you were crying about how you thought he didn't love you. But on the outside, you forced a smile "ok. Go have fun. I love you." You said before he jumped up and ran out the door catching up to the boys. You quickly grabbed your bags, that contained all of your stuff and extra money for a ticket back to Melbourne. You also wrote him a note.


Sorry for not telling you I left. You obviously aren't ready for a serious relationship, or you just don't feel the same as I do about you. Whatever your reason is, I left you so you can have all the time you want with your friends. Don't wait up. I won't be in your way anymore. Love you, (your name)."

You were already crying as you sat in the cab, on your way back to your home.

Beau: Beau was such a fun and sweet boyfriend. You know he loves you and he would do anything for you. But that's different when he's drunk.

Beau had been out with the guys that night, and he had been doing that for quite a while now. Getting home late, drinking, and god knows what else. You were getting sick of it, so tonight you stayed awake waiting him to get home.

You sat on the couch, watching tv when a drunken Beau walked through the door. "What the **** are you doing here. Get out!" Beau yelled instantly when he saw you. "Beau! I live with you and I'm your girlfriend. What the heck?" You shouted at him. "Well you aren't my girlfriend anymore! So get the **** out!" He shouted pointing to the door. You stomped out of the house, into the cold night crying. You walked all the way to your best friends house and cried the rest of the night.

James: James was the definition of perfect. Good looking, great boyfriend, nice to everyone, good student, just perfect. But sometimes he could be a little to nice.

James and you recently announced your relationship and you had been getting a LOT of hate on social media and in person. You told him about it multiple times and nothing has changed.

"James. Please do something about this or I will." You said full of seriousness, looking him in the eye. "(Your name) I want to, but I don't want to hurt my fans." He said copying your actions. That hurt you.

He cared if the fans were hurt, but not you. "Fine." You stated walking out of the room. James watched you leave the room, speechless.

Late that night, you left his house and stayed in your empty apartment, alone. You pulled out your phone and wrote a tweet. "(Your twitter name): sorry for taking your idol guys. Please don't give me hate anymore. I just want to make James happy and most importantly any fans of his. I left James and now I know he will be happy and you guys don't have to worry. Goodnight, love you all. <3" you posted the tweet in tears until you cried yourself to sleep.

Jai: you and Jai just became official a few days ago, but his ex has been hanging onto him, following him around and constantly interrupting dates for you two. Jai had been telling her to stay away and that he didn't feel the same about her, but that didn't stop her. Beau, Luke, and Jai had just gotten back to Melbourne from America and were staying with their mom tonight. You told Jai that you had gone to New York to visit your family. But really, you were still in Melbourne planning to surprise Jai! Since you just became a couple, only Beau knows about your relationship.

You just arrived in his driveway and made your way to the door, Luke invited you in and you told him you were here to surprise Jai. You told him all about your relationship and the entire time, Luke had a confused look on his face. Before he could say anything, you quietly made your way upstairs, outside the door to Jai's room. You didn't open the door, because you heard muffled voices coming from the room.

"Babe, when are you going to break up with her!" You heard a female voice shout. "I don't know, I may call her tonight. But I don't know if I can do it." Jai stated. "You know we have more in common and we dated longer than you have!" The female voice said. You couldn't take it anymore, you slowly opened the door and luckily it didn't make a noise or get there attention.

You walked in on them kissing. "Really Jai! I thought I could trust you. No need to call me tonight." You said before walking out of the room. You heard your name being called but kept walking anyway.

Luke: You had walked in on Luke and a girl you have never met, sucking faces a while back ago. Luke has tried everything to get a hold of you, but you have been ignoring him ever since.

Tonight, you were Invited to Beau's wedding, seeing as you and him were best friends. You didn't feel like going alone, so you brought your younger cousin, Niall. He was only a year younger than you but very tall and good looking.

You had just arrived at the wedding, walking with your cousin who had his arm around you waist. You sat down a few rows up from the back before the ceremony started. Halfway through it, you saw Luke 2 rows ahead of you, turn back and look for someone. He looked so hurt and so tired. Once his eyes met yours, your cousin sat closer to you. He knew how badly you were hurt after the breakup and was now super overprotective. When Luke saw your cousin, he pulled the girl next to him into the sloppiest kiss ever. You let a tear slip and you ran out of the room, crying. Your cousin chased after you, into the women's bathrooms.

"We can wait until the ceremony is over and then we can talk to Beau. We don't have to stay long. Please don't cry over Luke." Your cousin said, holding you tight. You cried into his shoulder for a little while longer before the ceremony ended. You walked out, forgetting to clean up your face. You saw Beau and ran to him, embracing him in a massive hug. "Hey hey hey, what's wrong?" He said noticing your tear stained cheeks. "Nothing. I'm fine. Beautiful ceremony. Uh, I have to go but I'll call you." You stated quickly before turning back to your cousin and taking his hand and going to the parking lot.

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