His favorite cute thing you do

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Daniel: He loves how you are always full of energy and are always moving around. No matter what you can't sit still. If you are out eating dinner, he loves it how you switch your seating position. If you are at home cuddling, you try to start little play fights and are always pushing him around playfully.

Beau: Beau loves it how you always play with your hair, and if you aren't, you let him. Your hair is super soft and always smells good so he loves running his fingers through it.

James: He loves it how you are really loud. James isn't one to be super loud but he does constantly talk. So he loves it when you are really loud and he finds it really funny. It always makes you laugh when you sing really loudly and purposely really badly.

Jai: Jai loves it how you are really competitive. Even though you are really competitive, you are still super nice. Whenever you two play video games, he loves it how you constantly yell and playfully push him to make him lose. Jai always let's you win because then he can pretend to be sad and pout, which makes you kiss and hug him to say sorry.

Luke: He loves it how you always mess with the clothes you wear. You always play with your shirt no matter what you do and he thinks it is adorable. He also thinks it's really hot when you slightly lift up your shirt and he can see your stomach.

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