How he asks you to Prom (pretend you're still in high school)

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GUYS PLEASE READ MY NEW BOOK :) I know I've asked a lot but I'm going to keep doing it 😂


Daniel: Daniel called a school assembly with some help from your principle. When everyone was in the bleachers, you thought it was a soccer announcement for the team winning championships. But he pulled out flowers and a necklace, and called you down. It was the end of the day, so afterwards you and Daniel went out for ice cream.

Beau: Beau put a small note in your locker telling you to meet him in the auditorium at lunch. When you got in there all of the lights were off. When you turned on the lights, Beau stood on the stage holding a sign saying, "Be my Prom Queen?"

James: James and you had been dating for a while and one night, he had a party. At the party you all exchanged gifts, just for the fun of it. When you got yours, it had a ring and a slip of paper, saying "prom?" James then stood in front if you, with flowers.

Jai: Jai called you and told you he had been arrested and needed you to bail him out. Although you were disappointed, you showed up to bail him out. When you got there, a cop told you that the only way you could get him out of jail is if you agreed to go to prom with him. Obviously, it was the cutest set up ever.

Luke: Luke was super classic but still cute. One morning before school, you got a text from Luke saying to look out of your window. When you did, Luke stood by a large sign, that said "prom?" with a teddy bear bear flowers.

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