(Not a part of pregnancy stuff) The phone call.

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Daniel: Thats it. You just got news that your little sister, 15 years old, might have cancer. You can't handle it. You two were never close, but she is still your everything.
You got the news while Daniel was out with the boys. Right after the phone call ended, you fell to the floor. Crying, bawling. It was almost like in a movie, when it's silent, and everything feels like it's in slow motion. It was one of those feelings that make you just say "oh" but when you finally get alone you collapse. It's almost too much to handle.
I was at some new club with Jai, James, Beau, Luke, and Ronnie. We were sitting up in the VIP section when I get a phone call. Olivia. (Your names)'s sister. I only get calls from her when something is wrong with (your name).
"Daniel, um something's wrong."
"Is it (your name)?" I ask, immediately standing up.
"Well, um... Nevermind I will tell you later but would you mind checking on her? She was on the phone with the hospital, when the phone just cut off." Her voice was shaky.
"Hospital? What's going-"
"Just check on her, please."
"Okay," my voice was almost silent."
The line went dead, and so many things were rushing through my head. "Ronnie can I have the keys to the car, I need to go home. It's (your name)." He nodded, tossing me the keys. The boys all looked at each other, obviously worried. I started running out, rushing for the car.
When I finally made it home, I jumped out. I got inside, and there she was. Middle of the hardwood floor. In a ball, tears streaming down her face. I fell to her side, and she turned over. She clung to my body as if her life depended on it.
"Baby, what's wrong?" I whispered into her hair. Nothing. "(Your name)?" I asked again. She just shook her head, and I knew that she didn't want to talk. So I held her.
"Hello." A voice was airy on the other end of the line.
"Hi." I responded. Who is this?
The only noise, was their breathe beating against the speaker.
"Hello?" I asked again.
"I'm here."
Scared, I hang up the phone. I run to my room, and sat in my corner chair, covered by the pillows and blankets. Faintly, I hear a knock at my front door.
My breathing becomes heavy and I shut my eyes tightly hoping this isn't real. I'm crying, hard. I've never experienced anything like this. I need him. I need Beau.
"Babe.." "Babe?" "Babe!" I'm woken up by Beau, holding me in his lap shaking me slightly. I'm covered in a layer of cold sweat and my body is shaking, my heart is beating fast. Relieved, I cry into Beau's shoulder. "What's wrong sweetheart?" He whispers. "Don't leave me... Please." Is all I say through shaky breaths. He just nods, and pulls me closer. In his arms, I feel my heart unclench and my muscles relax.
I had gotten a phone call, about 30 minutes ago. I had brought my dog, Lola to the vet. She wasn't walking. She was always sleeping. Something was wrong. They said she would be there overnight, and I wouldn't have access to her. So I came home, and I lay in my bed. James is up in Sydney, for a meet and greet. He might come back today. But then he has a show here in Melbourne. Without thinking, I slowly drift off to sleep.
I'm on my way back to Melbourne, in the car with the boys, the Melbourne meet and greet was cancelled sadly because Jai got a slight concussion when he fell off the stage in Sydney. I'm really excited, I think I'm going to surprise (your name).
We are almost home, when I get a phone call. The vet clinic (your name) and I bring her dog, Lola to.
"Hello?" I ask.
"Hello, James. You were the the first on the emergency contact list and no one is answering the phone at home. Is this alright?"
"Yeah, um what's wrong?"
"Well, Lola was dropped off at the vet about an hour ago. Um, I'm sorry to say this but, It only took one test to see that Lola-" she hesistated. "-did not make it. She has leukemia."
Oh no. This can't be happening. "Okay, thank you." I couldn't help my voice from cracking. This can't be happening.
"Can we go straight to my house. Like fast?" I order, interrupting the other boys craziness. The driver nods and all the boys look at me. "It's Lola." I simply say. The boys are still confused, but I choose not to explain. I lean back, and stare out my window. This dog is so important to all of us. She's (your name)'s everything. And (your name) is my everything. Everyone here has had a connection to Lola.
I wake up, to my bedroom door opening and a rather flustered James came rushing in. Jai, James, Luke, Beau, Daniel, Ronnie, and even Lucy, Daniels girlfriend came rushing in behind him. I was so confused.
"Lola's gone." James whispered.
At that moment, I felt my heart drop. In no time, tears were pouring down my face, and I was engulfed int James warming arms. No words were said, everyone watched as I cried into James body.

Jai: (okay I'm gonna say this first thing because y'all could get mad at me lol so this preference has nothing to do with Ariana and Jai's relationship. I'm just making a story, so don't think I'm hating on Ariana because I actually have like a low key obsession with her okay now I'll continue lol)

So, Ariana and You were great friends. You would text sometimes but not hang out a lot. That kind of stopped when her and Jai broke up.

Now Jai thinks Ariana cheated on him and he tries to avoid everything about her. Like everything.
You were sitting on your couch, when you got a phone call.
Ariana. Confused, you bring the phone up to your ear and wait for whatevers coming.
"Hello?" Her voice sounds so familiar. Almost like you missed it.
"Hi." You smile a little.
"(Your name) I know this is really sudden, but um would you wanna hang out today?" You could here the sincereness in her voice.
"Ya." You said just above a whisper.
Ariana pulled up outside of your house, and you finished up your makeup in the mirror. Jai is at a meet and greet all day so you should be okay. You make your way out to her car and already see her through the window. You missed her so much.
The entire day you two spent shopping, obviously seeing a few fans and even some who recognized you. Also, you decided to get Jai a gift. You got him a beanie that has Mickey Mouse on it and yours has Minnie Mouse on it.
The day was finally over and you had just gotten home after a great day with Ariana. A lot of things were cleared up.

As you walked inside, Jai was already waiting for you with his arms crossed by the living room entrance. You gave an innocent smile.
"You know how I feel about Ariana." He started.
"Jai, I know you don't really like her but maybe I do. She's actually one of my friends believe it or not." You laughed a little. Jai sighed before pulling you into a hug. That was over fast? "I got you something." You finally said. He smiled and clapped his hands like a two year old. When you pulled out the beanies his eyes lit up and he pulled you in for a kiss.

You shot up in your bed as your phone vibrated harshly on your bedside table. You quietly caught your breathe, and checked you phone. 4:27 am? Really?
You cleared your eyes to see who had called you. Luke.

In a rush, you called him back.
"Luke, I'm sorry I didn't answer you earlier. What's wrong?" You said, kind of in a whisper.
"I... I just needed to hear your voice." He said. His voice was so soft, almost broken. He sounded so weak.
"Luke, is everything okay?" You asked, getting up from your bed. You wore your snowflake pj bottoms and Luke's white long sleeve tee.
"Um, can I come over?" Luke asked.
You couldn't let him drive all the way here. He doesn't sound right.
"No-no. I'll come there." You started getting on your slippers and making your way to the door. "Who's home?" You asked as you made your way downstairs out of your house. "No one." Luke whispered.
"I'll be there soon babe. Don't worry." You sat in your car. "I love you." He then hung up, and you quickly made your way to his house.
You pulled up to his small house that he shares with his brothers, You wonder why they weren't home?

"Hello?" You shout, walking in through the door. You have a key, you've always had a key. Luke came rushing out of the living room, and both of you engulfed each other in a hug. He held you tight, tighter than usual. "What's wrong Luke? Why are you acting strange?" You tried to sound as sympathetic as possible. But the truth is, you're tired. He seemed shaken up. "I just. I had a bad dream. And you- you di-" you didn't let the sentence. He looked as if he were about to faint. You took his hand, and led him back to the couch where he laid next to you. His head lay on your stomach, and he held your waist as you played with his hair.

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