he sees you without makeup for the first time

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first I'm gonna start but saying
you guys should go follow my Twitter!! I'll follow you back ((: all of my friends have more followers than me andddddd it's kinda embarrassing so go follow me please!! I'm rachael_jano


daniel: you and daniel have plans to go to a drive in movie tonight, and you aren't feeling very good. you put on jeans and a tshirt and leave your hair natural. when daniel walks out of the bathroom, he sees you and stops. you freeze in place scared of what he will say, but his warm smile calms you down. "you ready, babe?"
beau: it's the first night you're staying the night at beaus and you're really nervous. you remove your makeup, getting ready for bed. as you look in the mirror, you start getting more and more insecure. beau calls your name and you panic. "coming." your voice cracks, and small tears roll down your cheeks. freaking out, looking for your makeup bag, beau shows up in the doorway. "why are you crying?" he asks quietly. he walks to you and holds your side. you get to face away from him, but he holds your chin to face him. in that moment, you've never felt more beautiful.
james: you were alone in your apartment, expecting james over in 2 ours. you remained in sweats and a tee, with your hair up and have no makeup on. you were scrolling through YouTube on your computer, when your apartment door starts to unlock. you had given james a key the other day, and weren't too alarmed.
right when james saw you, he smiled. "wow. you look beautiful." he grinned, coming in to kiss your forehead.
jai: you and jai were getting ready to go to a small family gathering, and you decided to go natural. you did cover up a few blemishes on your skin, but didn't apply eye makeup. you wore jeans and a crop top, and tied your hair in a stylish ponytail. you walked down the stairs, jai on his phone waiting at the bottom. when he looked up, he frowned. "I knew I should've worn makeup." you furrowed your eyebrows. "no, no. you didn't wear a dress. they're so much easier to take off." he gave a cute wink, before holding the door open for you.
luke: you sat at your vanity, where you removed all of your makeup. when luke came out of the bathroom, you expected a reaction. but nothing. he didn't say anything, just smiled and sat on his bed. "hello, don't I look different?" you asked. he looked at you closer, "what do you mean? you look as beautiful as always." he smiled. you grinned, and jumped in bed with him.

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