Encounter with little kids

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Daniel: Daniel and you went on a little date to the park down the street from your house. When you got there, two little girls were on the swings. One looked maybe 7-8 and the other one was about only 2-3. You and Daniel were swinging next to them, "sissy, can you push me?" The 3 year old asks. "My muscles aren't bug enough yet." The older one says. "Hey, I bet your muscles are big enough." You whisper to Daniel. Daniel hops off his swing, "here, I can push you." Daniel says as the older one hops back on her swing. He began pushing the two girls at the same time, as they cheered and giggled, making you all smile.

Beau: It was almost your birthday and Beau took you to the mall for a little shopping spree. When you walked past a little boys clothing store, there was a little girl, maybe 6 years old, she was crying and standing alone. Beau jogged over to her and knelt down. "Hey sweetie, where's your mom?" He asked taking her hand. "She was with me and my brother, but I don't know where she is now." She said as her bottom lip trembled. Beau took her hand and walked her to the desk in the boy store. "It's gonna be okay, we will find your mommy." He said, holding her little hand in his.

James: James brought you to the christmas parade, down town for christmas. When it got towards the last float, a boy a little younger than us was trying to let his younger brother see by holding him up. "I still can't see." The little boy cried, on the verge of tears. "Here, I'm pretty tall, come here." James said holding his arms out for the little boy. James threw him on his shoulder and the little boy giggled and clapped his hands as the Santa float went by.

Jai: You were going to a small family reunion and decided to bring Jai with you, because you didn't want to be alone. You were walking around, introducing Jai to everyone when you spotted your cousin and her newborn baby. She couldn't get the baby to stop crying, so you and Jai headed her way. "Can I hold her?" Jai asked holding out his arms lovingly. She gently passed the crying baby to Jai. "Shhh, don't cry beautiful." Jai whispered rocking the baby. The baby soon stopped crying and began giggling as Jai held her.

Luke: Luke wanted take you out for lunch, to Taco Bell. You were sitting, waiting for your food to be ready, when a girl who looked maybe 11-12 walked over with a little girl who looked 4-5. "Luke! Can I have your autograph. I'm a huge fan." The girl said excitedly. "Of course." He began writing his name on the piece of paper. "You can write your name really fast. I just learned how to write letters." The little girl says in fascination. "Well, can I have your autograph then?" Luke asked as he grabbed a piece of paper and a pen from the booth near your table, something for a 5k run. The little girl began writing her name in squiggly letters and drew a heart on the end. "I just learned how to draw a heart, too." She said handing him the paper. Luke gave each girl a hug and you continued the rest of your lunch with the paper propped up on the table.

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