what he loves about you (physically)

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Daniel: Daniel absolutely is obsessed with your arms. He says they are just so soft and so perfectly shaped he loves them.
Beau: Beau can't get enough of your legs. But I don't mean that in a sexual type of way... Well sometimes;) He says there are so imperfectly perfect and he loves how long they are.
James: James loves your eyes. The simplicity is dazzling yet so intense and he just can't help staring at them all the time. You get really uncomfortable sometimes, when he is really close to you examining your eyes. But it always makes you laugh a little too.
Jai: your smile is one of the many things Jai loves about you. It isn't perfect, but that's what he loves. Just the fact that he can make you smile that real smile gets to him. He can always notice what your real and fake smiles are.
Luke: Luke is obsessed with your back. Like seriously obsessed. He always is touching it, and has his hands on it. He says it's so sexy and just perfect. And the constant back rubbing is pretty great too :).

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