friendzone > part 1

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(not a song lyric preference, that will be posted later)
hi hi hi! :))) I hope all of you are having a good day/night and I want you all to know that I love you so so much
you and daniel have been best friends since you were 5. and ever since 7th grade, you have been hopelessly in love with him.
it was after school, and you were waiting for daniel to come out to get in the car, because you had to tell him something. tyler scott's, a guy you've been hanging out with a lot asked you to be his girlfriend. and you said yes!
you couldn't stop grinning as daniel climbed into the car. he was smiling as well. "I've got great news." you turn to face him. "me too!" he smiles. "you first!" you nod, gesturing for him to continue. he takes a deep breath, and looks you deeply in the eye. "I've been waiting to tell you for the past 3 years. but, I think I'm in love with you." he swallows, his adam's apple bobbing. your face goes blank, and your eyes widen.
your mouth opens, but no words come out. "d-daniel..." you start. "I thought you felt the same way?" he asked quietly, and his eyes glossed over. "I do, I do! but," you look down to your lap, "tyler and I are..."
"oh" he whimpers. it's silent for a moment, before daniel angrily begins getting out of the car. "it was stupid, forget it," daniel continues to grumble remarks about how stupid he is, and before you know it he's gone and you're sat alone in your car.
luke is throwing a party tonight and invited everyone. you and beau showed up together, seeing as you are best friends. you two have been best friends since middle school, and you've had a secret crush on him since that time as well.
everyone is dancing around, sweating, drunk. you don't drink, but beau definitely did. he was slurring and he got a little touchy with you as you two danced. you didn't really mind it though.
you laugh as beau follows you as you stumble to the bathroom. you get in, to actually do your business, but beau follows you in. you're laughing, pushing at his chest, but he slowly stops. both of you stare blankly into each other, before it happens. beau kisses you. really kisses you.
later, you and beau continued to dance, until you finally needed a drink. you left him to dance and went off to get a drink from the kitchen.
beau and you have been sharing kisses all night now, even dancing closer. you've never been this happy.
"hey, I saw you with beau in there." jai nudges. you smile sheepishly and take your drink with you out the door. you dodge through the crowd back to where you last left beau. you finally get there, and you freeze. beau and some girl, in a dress similar to yours, are kissing. hard.
you and james are next door neighbors, best friends, closer than close. except there is one problem, you're in love with him.
although, he treats you like a little sister, he calls you by your last name, and if he ever flirts with you it always ends up in a laugh. and the worst part, he's been seeing a girl recently.
you two were spending your saturday on your couch together watching netflix. suddenly, james's phone goes off on the table. he immediately picks up and walks into the kitchen. your show goes off, so you get up to follow him to grab a snack, not eavesdrop of course.
when you get to the fridge, he smiles and hangs up. he grabs his jacket off of the back of the bar chair, as you pour in the hot water for your mac&cheese. "you heading off?" you ask emotionlessly. "yeah. lily asked to meet up outside the coffee shop. gosh I can't wait to see her. I feel like I can tell her anything, you know-" james continues to ramble on about her, but you block him out. he slips on his shoes, and he's out the door. quickly, he rushes back inside and squeezes you tightly, but then he's gone again. you take your mac&cheese and plop down onto the couch, when your phone buzzes.
It's a text from james.
"I promise I'll be back later at night. it'll be late, so I'll bring my key. saturday night nextflix will be continued! Xxx"
friends with benefits. that's all you are. okay, well you're best friends too but that's it. well, that's all you are to jai. to you, he's so much more.
when you declared to be best friends with benefits in 10th grade (young, I know), you fell in love with him. but the only thing is, after that deal was made he became the school player. he's done every girl in your grade, and even girls from other grades.
you and jai were at his house, on a sunday evening. it was about 6, and the two of you were sprawled on his couch. you were in your underwear and his tshirt, and he was shirtless. nothing had happened yet, but you were just watching tv.
when I say friends with benefits, I don't mean you do that 24/7. It happens maybe twice a week, or even more depending on what's going on.
suddenly, jais phone goes off. he picks up and hangs up within seconds. he stands up quickly, and runs to his room. you sit up, and he comes back and tosses your skinny jeans from yesterday to you. he's frantically rushing to clean up the pizza mess you made, and ushers you too put your clothes on. this had happened before, you know jai is having another girl over. "who is it this time?" you sigh, collecting your bag and phone. "scarlet, the senior from a couple weeks ago. now hurry!" jai says, tapping your butt. "what about our movie?" you ask quietly. jai looks up at you, "I'll come over later, okay?" he says quietly.
anger fills your veins, or maybe it's hurt? you let out a large sigh and begin stomping off towards the door. "I'm sorry!" he shouts, but you don't hear any emotion in his voice. you get to your house, and can't stop yourself from crying. your dad is out at work, so your home alone as well. you run up to your room and bawl into your pillow.
within 10 minutes, jais familiar moans and occasional female ones sounded too, through your window which happened to be right next to jais.
hot tears built up, and you grabbed your pillow angrily, dragging it with you to your couch.
you and Luke have been best friends since freshman year, and although that isn't long you know you couldn't find anyone better.
not only is he your best friend, but he's your crush.
today, you and luke were planning on going to a concert together. you got over to his house early, and cooked you two some breakfast. the concert was this afternoon, but you two planned to go eat at Ramones, this fancy restaraunt you two go to once every couple months.
you were wearing a small coral dress, and your long thick hair was straightened. you were ready to go, because luke only takes about 20 minutes to get ready.
lukes familiar morning voice echoed as he sauntered down the stairs. "morning, (your name)." he smiled, running his hands through his messy bed hair.
you smiled and pushed his plate of hash browns in front of him as he sat down, and took a seat across from him. "I'm so excited!" you grinned, and luke smiled at you squirming in your seat. "hey, I was wondering. do you think jamie can come too?" he asks casually.
your freeze, and you can almost feel your heart ripping in half.
jamie is this girl luke has been 'dating' for a couple months now.
you don't respond, at which luke says. "I'll take that as a yes!" and he jumps up to get ready. he's already halfway up the stairs when you call to him, "I actually would rather not have her there." you shout rather loudly, but hear his door shut. he didn't hear you.
you sigh and sit alone. he didn't even thank you for the breakfast.

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