his reaction to you finding out

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•the boys POV•
I finished up with Hailey, an old friend. (Your name) will be here soon I think. She can't find out. I realize now that I shouldn't have, but I was caught in the moment and slightly drunk.
An hour passes by, and (your name) still isn't here. Hailey has been cooking for a while and I've been sitting on the couch.
I get up to check outside the front window, and as I pass by I see something. On the floor is a ring. It looks like one of (your name)'a rings she got a little whole ago. It was a little bit too big, it must have fallen off. But if it's here, that mean she must have been here.
Oh no.
What have I done?
(Your name) locked herself in our bedroom. The kiss with chesley was a part of the game, I didn't mean for it to hurt (your name). The more I think about it, I realize how horrible it was to do that.
It's 11 at night and she hasn't come out. She needs to eat something.
I order some takeout, and when it arrives I take a key and the food upstairs. I slowly unlock the door, and it looks like she's asleep. I set the food on the bedside table.
As I look at (your name) the guilt builds up. I love her so much. I would do anything for her to forgive me.
I took Emily home, we met at a meet and greet today. We had a contest where the prize was an ice cream date with the boy of your choice. Emily won and chose me, it's was really sweet. She scheduled the date for today, but I didn't want (your name) to find out. I was too scared she wouldn't let me, and I don't want to disappoint a fan. I told (your name) I was taking a nap instead, and she went out with a friend.
Now I'm on my way back to the hotel, and I'm gonna tell (your name) I went out to get something to eat. I'll explain to her later.
I walk into our room, but she isn't there. Neither is all of her stuff. She's gone?
She's gone.
I'm such a dick. I really liked Sarah, but we've only known each other for a few days. But I love (your name$. She's my everything. I guess I just forgot what I had, that's why started seeing Sarah. (Your name) will never forgive me. God I hate myself.

The boys stare at me, after Sarah stormed out. All we can hear is the faint sobs of (your name). All of a sudden, I am hit with so much pain. Knowing that I hurt my love, my world, that kills me.
Luke: I wake up when a door slams. What happened last night?
I look around, and realize I'm naked. I have a pounding headache. I yawn and get up, slipping on some sweatpants. Ouch. I have scratches all over my back. I don't remember getting with (your name) last night? I look down on the floor as I walk out, and see a small high heel. Oh no.
It all floods back to me. The girl, last night, the drinks. As I walk past the dresser, I see bright orange paper. On it, in (your name)'a recognizable handwriting is "how dare you?" I run my hand over a slightly damp part of the note. I have to find her. I had to find (your name).

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