his tip to your next boyfriend

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hah ok so the storyline to this preference is like you and him break up and he sends a text or something to the new guy you're talking to : )
guys I'm kinda stressing a little about going in to high school so any high schoolers, could you try convincing me high school isn't that bad??
daniel: to the one that loves her next,
make sure to keep the TV on even when she's sleeping. she hates waking up in the middle of the night to darkness.
beau: to the one that loves her next,
she hates bugs. don't prank her with bugs or nothing. always get rid of it, then convince her it's ok.
james: to the one who loves her next,
remind her to put Chapstick on. she always complains about having chapped lips and forgets to put it on, she'll kiss you every time you remind her.
jai: to the one that loves her next,
don't ask about her old pets. none of them. she'll cry for the rest of the day. ask her about hobbies and her interests, and listen to her for hours. it's worth it.
luke: to the one who loves her next, 
keep a lot of games on your phone. she stays on her phone a lot in public to help with her anxiety. she'll be on it so much it will probably die, then you'll need to give her yours.

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