update 2

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ok so a lot of you commented saying you want to hear about the previous week and my boy drama haha so if you don't want to hear it I'll update either later today or tomorrow ((:
so here we go!
I really am liking high school so far and am surprised with how simple the transition is.
I have a class with all sophomores which scared the sheeeeet out of me but I actually love being in Pre AP Biology ((: all of my teachers seem really cool and a lot of the upperclassmen boys are hottttttt!!

comment below some of your first day stories because I want to hear them and I'll try to respond to everyone!! let's get a convo down in the comments ((:

(here's a small description of the boy just so you know how like perfect he is)
-he's a sophomore
-he's soooo sweet and nice
-he's pretty cute 😏
-he plays football 😍😍
-he's funny
-he. Is. perfect.
so there's this sophomore that commented on one of my insta posts, asking for my snapchat back in like June. well we started talking like normal people but it was kind of flirty if you know what I mean. then I saw him at this community event also over the summer and him and his friends kept staring at me.
it was really awkward but we ended up kinda only talking occasionally. then I started telling my friends about it and at first I didn't like him and thought he was a creep but then my friends kept bugging me about him and I got this HUGEEEEE crush on him, and still do have it. well school started and I started seeing him around the halls and snapchatted him one night, again. it was superrrrr flirty and I liked him even more like he is so perfecttttt.
but one day I was pissed from one of my classes and was going back to my locker. I had my jerk face on and of course he walked by me. that night I snapped him and he didn't snap back, so I asked if he was mad. we got in this little fight and he was totally acting like a girlll but ended up saying he wasn't mad at me. I haven't seen him since or even talked that much and I'm so sad because I have this massive crush on him and I can't tell if he likes me.

but anyway, comment below some boy drama of yours or like something you need advice on and I'd be glad to help you out ((:

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