What The Other Boys Think Of You :)

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Hey hey hey :) if you want, you can go follow me on Instagram I'm rachael_brooks9. I don't post tons if pictures but I follow back andddd I'm always on. You can DM if you need to talk and I'm always active. It's not a fan account but I really only use it to stalk fan accounts lol 😝💕


Daniel: the other boys think of you as one of the guys. It might seem bad, but it's really not. You all love each other and always have fun when you're together.

Beau: The other boys all think Beau is super lucky. They would never try and steal you from Beau, but do admit they think you're beautiful and that they definitely would date you.

James: The other boys are so sweet to you. They are never rude to you and treat you like a princess. Sometimes, you have to remind them that you are still their best friends and they should treat you like that too. :)

Jai: The other boys always have fun with you. You all mess with each other and hang out, it's always super fun. Beau has admitted that he likes you a lot, so things are a little awkward between you two.

Luke: Jai is naturally just a Prince Charming when it comes to girls, but when it comes to Luke's girl, Luke flips out over it. The other boys treat you just like they treat each other. But Jai seems to get a little too flirty. It hasn't affected Jai and Luke's relationship all that much but you can tell Luke doesn't care for Jai's cheekiness.

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