What He Does While You Shop

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Daniel: While you shop, Daniel is always so bored. He plays on his phone and pushes the cart while you pick stuff out. Although, he is always at your side when you need him and always helps you decide on what to buy.

Beau: Beau loves shopping with you and is so engaged with helping you shop, that he almost never gets anything for himself. He thinks it's adorable how excited you get when you find something cute.

James: James and you are both super sweet with each other, you both walk around stopping for each other and are constantly talking about how cute everything is. It is absolutely adorable.

Jai: Jai is just as a fashionista as you are. Most of the time, it seems like you're with a little kid because Jai thinks every trip is a shopping trip. It is really cute though because he always gets over excited. Even though he is obsessed with shopping, he loves helping you shop just as much, and thinks anything looks cute on you.

Luke: Luke is an absolute sweetheart when it comes to shopping for some reason. He follows you around, and holds your stuff as you two walk. He compliments you on everything you try on, which can get annoying. But he is so adorable and is so sweet, almost every shopping trip, he claims he has to pay for you, even if you refuse he does it anyway.

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