He gets Jealous for the first time

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Daniel: Daniel gets jealous and over protective with almost anything. Even if a guy looks at you strange,

He feels the need to take you somewhere else.

You two were at an arcade, and you were playing ski ball. A group of younger boys watched as every time you threw the ball, you would bend over. Daniel noticed and ended up standing close behind you. "What are you doing Daniel, I can't throw with you back there."You giggled. That's when you saw the boys whispering and staring at you as you threw another ball. You smirked before doing it one more time. As you walked away, you pulled Daniel towards the wall, past the group of guys. You stopped near the wall, near the group of guys, "can't wait until we get home." You said to Daniel. Before he could say anything, you pulled him in for a heated kiss. The group of guys groaned in disappointment before turning away. "Thanks." Daniel whispered before kissing you again.

Beau: Beau and the boys were invited to an interview, with our2ndlife and a few other youtubers that you hadn't heard of before. You would be the only girl, so you would stay behind camera.

You arrived at the interview, and they were having small 'get to know you' type thing. You walked around as Beau and the boys got their hair done. You stood at the snack table, watching Beau make silly faces to you in the reflection of the mirror.

A boy who claimed 'his name was Sam and that you were really cute' approached you. "Hey, so um you should give me you number." Sam said smirking. "Um I rather not. My boyfriend is over there." You said pointing to Beau. Beau flipped him off in the reflection of the mirror. "Sorry." You whispered before walking over to Beau who kissed your cheek, making sure Sam could see.

James: James and you made your way into the mall, walking past an Abercrombie and Fitch store. A group of shirtless, cocky guys whistled and winked at you as you walked by. You laughed in disgust and pushed yourself closer to James as he stared at his feet while he walked. When he noticed you standing closer, he pulled you to him and smiled. "I love you. You know that right?" You said, watching his facial features glow under the lights. James smiled, "I promise that I can say I love you more." James whispered before kissing your forehead.

Luke: You are a model for a pretty big company but are rarely ever noticed by strangers. You are more used to girls coming up asking for Luke's autograph.

You and Luke were walking on the beach, when a group of teenage girls and boys come up to you. "You're Luke from that retarded group, am I right?" The tallest boy asks and the other boys chuckle. The girls give him ugly stares and run up to Luke. Everyone is basically unaware you are there at the moment. Luke is hugging a girl, as she stares at you strangely while Luke has his back turned. Luke releases her and she runs up to you. "I've seen you before. Oh my god! You're in Teen Magazine!" She squeals. You chuckle and the rest of the girls run up to you. "You are so pretty!"

"I love your work in TM!" "Can I have your autograph?" The girls scream. Luke stands back, a little disappointed the girls weren't obsessing over him. You giggle at how cute and cocky he is. The group of girls walk away, comparing all of their signed shirts and arms. You began making your way back to Luke when someone taps your shoulder. You turn around to see The boy who insulted Luke with his friends. You glared at him, "here's my number, call me sometime babe." The boy said as be shoved his number in your jacket pocket. You threw it into the sand and spit on it, how classy. You made your way back to Luke, as he kicked sand under his feet while keeping his hands in his pockets. You giggled and he looked up at you. "You're so cute." You said before taking his hand and walking down the beach again. Everyone once in a while he would plant kisses on your temple when you weren't caught in each other's eyes.

Jai: "Jai is absolutely the sweetest human being on Earth. How could he ever get jealous?" You thought.

You and Jai were watching 22 Jump street, and every time Channing was on the tv you would say, "oh my god. So hot." Or something around those lines. Jai sat quietly, unlike normal as you finished up the movie. The last time Channing popped up you almost died, he was shirtless, "oh my. He is so sexy ugh." You said following onto Jai's lap. He still hasn't said a word. You could see the jealousy and hurt in his eyes. You sat up on his lap, "not as hot as you though." You whispered, planting a kiss on his nose. He smiled before engulfing you in an enormous hug.

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