How He Helps You Fall Asleep During The Pregnancy.

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Daniel: Daniel generally will fall asleep before you, but has been staying awake with you rubbing your belly until you go to sleep so he knows your safe and comfortable.

James: This pregnancy has been pretty easy so far and you don't have a hard time falling asleep. The only times you can't fall asleep are when James isn't cuddling you, so he makes sure he's always there.

Beau: Beau is a light sleeper and during the pregnancy, you haven't been able to sleep. The baby is just like Beau, super energetic and crazy.
Beau will get up throughout the night, getting you hot water bottles and water to calm you and the baby.

Jai: This pregnancy isn't too bad, although some nights you just can't get comfortable. On those nights, Jai will cuddle you and sing songs softly to you. Every time Jai starts singing, you almost instantly feel the baby calm down. Your favorite song he sings to you is 'You Are My Sunshine'.

Luke: With this baby, you just can't sleep. Luke isn't busy with Janoskians stuff at this time so every other night when you're restless, he stays up with you and sometimes takes you to get the exotic foods your craving. And then the next day, when both of you are finally tired, you, Luke, and the baby take a nap.

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