you laugh in a heated moment

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aye keep commenting!! :)
okay so I have some ideas now but keep going! I never wanna stop writing :))

you and daniel were going at it. as you two lay there, him sucking on your neck, you were thinking. his hands roamed your body, causing you to occasionally moan. when you suddenly thought of the time daniel fell off the bed while sleeping, you laughing slightly under your breath. daniel stopped, and pushed up on his hands, "what was that?" he smiled. "I just remembered that one time you fell off the bed at like 3 in the morning." you threw your hand over your face, laughing at how ridiculous you are. daniel smiled and shook his head, before continuing to kiss you.
beau slammed you against the wall, his hips pressing against yours. he planted rough kisses down you neck and chest, and that's when his simple star tattoo caught your eye. the little star made you smile widely. when beau noticed, he stopped but kept his body against yours. you shook yourself out of your daydream state. "sorry." you laughed at yourself. "what was it?" beau laughed a little. "nothing, nothing." you smiled. he didn't bother to pester you with questions, and continued to kiss you roughly.
you moaned aloud when james slowly moved down your torso. he took the lace of your underwear between his teeth, but when they slipped from his grip and made a awkward slapping sound, you let out a laugh and threw your head back laughing. james laughed as well, and quickly climbed back up to connect your mouths, not letting the giggles ruin the mood.
you slowly straddled jai's lap, and continued to kiss him slowly.
he moaned softly, looking lustfully into your eyes.
you suddenly stopped your actions though, when you thought about cupcakes. man, you were really in the mood for a cupcake. "what's up babe?" jai questioned. "I'm not in the mood." you whined, laughing slightly. "you just said a minute ago that you were?" jai laughed, sitting up straight with you still on his lap. "I know. but I really want a cupcake," you pouted. he laughed, and gave you a quick kiss before taking you out to get a cupcake.
luke laid on top of you, both of you remaining in your undies. he deepened your kiss and let one of his hands roam your body, the other holding his weight off of you. his hand slowly drifted over your stomach just above your womanhood, and you tried to hold back a laugh. you unattractively grunted, causing him to unattach your lips from his. "huh?" he grinned. "that tickled." you laughed at yourself. luke fell onto you, both of you laughing. but luke didn't let that ruin anything ;)

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