He tries winning you back (Part 2 of you leave him heartbroken)

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Daniel: Your arrived back in Melbourne, at your apartment and had been like that for the past 2 days now. No contact from Daniel or the boys. Everyday you became sadder at the thought of none of the boys caring about you at all. That was until you got a call from James.

"Hello?" You answered, your voice shaky.

"Hey! Please listen, don't hang up." James said quickly.

"I won't. What do you need?" You asked attempting to sound okay, but obviously failing.

"Daniel woke up in the middle of the night the night you left. He just got out of the hospital today and is being flown back to Melbourne. You are the only person in Melbourne that is on his contact list. Please help him. Trust me, he is literally dying without you." James said sort of in a panic. "Okay. When will he get here?" You asked. "Anytime now." James said. "Well anyways thanks. And by the way, we miss you... A lot." James finished, before hanging up on you. Anytime? That's pretty soon. First, you ran upstairs and put on some pants. Then there was a knock at your door. You opened it and Daniel immediately pulled you in for a hug. No words were said, you just hugged him tightly.

Beau: You had woken up in your best friends bed, and all the memories flowed back into your head. Beau.

You headed downstairs to get some breakfast but was interrupted as you skipped past the doorway to the living room. "(You name)!" Your best friend called. You turned and peaked into the room, she sat on the couch next to Beau. He held his head in his hands and when he heard you come in, he sat straight up. His eyes bloodshot and puffy, his cheeks tear stained, you could hear the congestion in his nose when he breathed. You all stared at each other for a minute. "I am so sorry." Beau whispered, his head dropping to his hands as he combed through his hair with his fingers. You sat down next to him, and rubbed his back to try and comfort him. You heard him start crying again. Your friend stood and left you two alone. "I didn't mean it. I didn't know what was going on. I am so so so sorry. Whether you forgive me or not, I am not drinking ever again. I just need you back." He said quietly through sobs. He sat up and pulled you in for a hug. "I love you." He mumbled into your shoulder. "I love you too Beau." You whispered back.

James: Everyone had stopped giving you hate but it sure did start a large riot. Everyone was choosing sides between you and James, and between themselves as the fans. This all happened in the night you posted that tweet.

The next day, you woke up to your phone buzzing. You were getting continuous notifications for twitter. The hashtag 'Jamesloves(your name)' was trending. You looked at all of the tweets saying something about James before you found James tweet.

" I am so sorry to do this to you guys. I absolutely hate having to say this, but I am disappointed in a lot of you. I know you probably didn't mean to hurt me but you knew that I was in love with (your name). But you went ahead and hurt her, even though you knew what hurt her, hurt me. I still love you guys and I definitely still and always will love (your name). I have been miserable the last few days, and I just need her back. She is my world."

You cried as you read this tweet. He just told his fans he was disappointed in them and probably let a lot of them down. For you. You jumped a little when James barged through your bedroom door. He stood in tears, with obvious pain in his eyes. You instantly jumped up and ran to him. He hugged you tightly, "I am so sorry for not doing anything about it." He mumbled into your neck. "I forgive you. I am so sorry for leaving you just because I was getting hate." You said slightly pulling away to look at him. You two snuggled up in your bed before falling asleep, safe in each other's arms.

Jai: You couldn't believe Jai would cheat on you. With his ex! You walked all the way home, alone as the sun set. You cried harder than before when you saw the sunset. You and Jai watched the sunset almost every night together. But not tonight. You arrived at your empty house and shut the door, sliding down it to the floor. You held your head in your hands as tears fell freely down your face.

A few minutes later there was a knock at the door. You stood up and opened it. Jai stood there, almost mirroring your emotions. "I don't know what to say." He whispered. "Why don't you explain why you were sucking that ****'s face off." You yelled backing into your house. He followed you in, "that's the thing. She is a ****. I had though she had changed and really wanted a second chance. I was so... So wrong to cheat on you but I just want you to know that I love you. I love you beyond compare to her, any girl walking down the street. You are my world and I would do any thing to win you back." He said looking into your eyes. "You still didn't explain why you kissed her Jai." You chuckled out of disgust. He chuckled a little. "I kissed her because I thought that maybe I could help her. I truly thought I could mend her broken heart... Do you remember when you left me for that Drake guy. My heart was torn to pieces, I felt like I rather die than watch you with him. So I thought maybe I could fix her broken heart... But it turns out she never had one. That's how I know I love you (your name)." Jai looked at his shoes, feeling defeated. "I only asked why you kissed her." You chuckled through the tears. Jai chuckled before you two engaged in a passionate kiss.

Luke: Your cousin drove you to your apartment and walked you inside. Once you deceived him into thinking you were okay, he left to his house. You sat on your couch, crying at the thought of what Luke was doing with that girl. You jumped and fell off the couch when you saw look in the archway of the living room. "Luke how did you get in here?" You asked hand over your heart in panic. "Garage door was open." He said. "Well what do you want?" You asked angrily. "Who was that guy you were with?" He asked, same tone of voice as you. "My cousin, who was that girl you were with?" You asked already knowing the answer. "Just a friend." Luke said shyly now. "Obviously bit Luke, you guys had a pretty heated and may I say disgusting kiss." You said in disgust of his lie. He sat playing with his hands. "I only kissed her because I was jealous." He mumbled to the ground. "Oh." You mumbled not knowing what to say. "Listen, I know you said you forgave me when we broke up but I miss you. I still love you. I know this is weird. But... Before I leave, can I at least kiss you one last time?" He asked finally looking into your eyes. You nodded you head and both of you leaned in, eager for the butterflies you both had when you kissed. Your lips molded to his and there they were... The little butterflies bouncing around in your tummy. You pulled away. "I still love you too." You whispered against his lips before both of you leaned back in.

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