you think he likes your friend...

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sorry I'm not posting as much guys. I will try to since school has started and I need to write to keep stuff off my mind hahaa, so comment some requests and I'll try to get them done soon!!
also, just so you guys know I've accomplished my first two days of high school and they were amazing!! if you wanna hear more about it comment if you want me to post a chapter about it!!
daniel: (age 15) it's the start of sophomore year and you still have this outraging crush on daniel. your friend is spending the night tonight, and you plan on facetiming daniel. you grabbed snacks and took everything up to your room. It was only midnight, so you hoped daniel was still awake. you called him, and he answered. your friend stayed in the back behind you playing on her phone, and daniel seemed to have a friend with him too. "hi" you smile. "hey" daniel smiled back. you guys talk about school, and about your summers, the basic stuff. you start to think daniel kind of likes you too. "hey um who's your friend?" daniel asks. your heart drops. of course he wants to meet your friend, she's pretty, funny, smart. "I'm asking for jai." he points behind him. you let out a sigh of relief. "(friends name)" you smile. "I was wondering (your name) do you want to go to lunch on monday? we can walk across the street to Taco Bell or something?" daniel asks. you grin and pretend to think about it. as calmly as possible you respond, "sure."
beau: (age 17) you and your friend were at the local fair/carnival. it was supposed to be a fun relaxed night, until you spotted beau and his friends. you've had a crush on him for a while, and never could tell him. you and your friend try to avoid them, but it seems as though they are following you. go try and get away, you go into the fun house. you go through a mound tunnel, a mirror maze, a shaking board, and slide down the tube slide. just go your luck, when you get out beau and his friends are waiting for you. "hey (friends name)" jaryn, the boy in he from says. she smiles and politely says hi back. none of them even acknowledge that you're there (omg me all the time), and beau seems to be trying to avoid even standing near you.
the next day at school you're sitting in class, waiting for the bell to ring, when someone stands in front of your desk, building a shadow over you. you look up, and are surprised to see beau there. he's obviously nervous, "I wish I would've said something last night." "what do you mean?" you laugh. "I wanted to ask for your number but I was scared you'd say no. so um I'm asking you now." he swallows a lump in his throat. he holds his phone out for you, a new contact open. you type your number in and hand it back to him, both of you stuck with a cheesy smile plastered on your face.
james: (age 15) james and his friend invited you and your friend to  the movies tonight. because you like james, you wore your favorite outfit and did your hair and makeup really nicely, and grabbed your small bag ready to go. you and your friend walked into the theatre lobby, and spotted james and his friend waiting for you on the bench. "hey." james smiles to you. you smiled back. "um, want something to drink?" he asked your friend, not really acknowledging you. you didn't want to ask if he meant fm both of you, so you didn't. you waited behind with james friend, on the bench while james and your friend walked up to the snack bar together. soon enough your friend walked back with a large drink if her hand, and James with a bag of popcorn. you felt sick, just thinking about james liking someone else made your stomach flip.
"oh, here you go." James smiled to you. he pulls a box of your favorite candy from his pocket, and holds it out for you. "I heard you only like candy at movies, and they didn't have the kind you liked here so I bought some before we came." he smiles. you smile uncontrollably back and he takes your hand, leading you into the theatre.
jai: (age 14) it's the first day back to school. even worse, high school. the only thing keeping you excited about going, is seeing jai. he's been your crush since you moved here like 5 years ago. but to him, you may not even exist. you walk into your first class, and see your friend sitting down. you slide in next to her, and instantly feel less nervous. but the nerves come back quickly when jai walks through the door with his friend, james and brother, luke. they start walking over to the corner your sitting at and sit at the desks in front of you. the teacher orders to talk to the people in your group for a few minutes. and just like you thought, you merely exist to jai. he only talked to your friend, and only looked at you once.
the next day, you go into class and your friend isn't there. jai walks in alone, and takes the seat next to you. "I didn't know you were in this class." he smirks. you get butterflies thinking 'is he trying to flirt with me'. "you sat in front of me yesterday." you question. Kai's face gets red, "nah I would've noticed a pretty face likes yours."
the teachers starts talking, so you don't respond to jai. at the end of class, the teacher gives some free time. "hey, but can I get your number." jai asks, turning in his seat to face you. "it's only the second day of school and you are already treating me like a back up plan. no thanks." the bell rings and you are out like a flash, on the verge of tears.
within the next week, jai has been switching up his routes to get to class to class, just so he can run into you more often. he stopped talking to every girl and is being so sweet. in class the next morning, he asks,"can I please have your number?" you smile, and scribble it down onto a piece of paper, right as class starts.
luke: (age 14) it's your first week of high school, and you already have a crush on this older guy, luke. he's a sophomore, and you guys talked over the summer. but one night, you fell asleep and didn't reply and you both josh stopped talking. but now, you're starting to really have feelings for him. you were walking to one of your last classes, and just before you entered the classroom you looked down the hall, where his locker is. he was standing with another freshman girl, and it seemed like she was flirting with him. you just couldn't tell if he was flirting back. you couldn't even pay attention in the class, because you couldn't stop thinking about him.
the next day, you wanted to feel better. so you wore your favorite outfit and did your hair and makeup with perfection. you were walking to the same class, and just as you turned the corner you ran into someone. your face only reached his chest, and the run in knocked all of your books out of your hands. you stumbled to pick them up, and couldn't stop saying "sorry." to the mystery guy you ran into. you were about to pick up your last book, but a hand beat you to it. you looked up to see luke, just as flustered as you are. he handed you your last book and you scurried away. that night, he texted you, and you couldn't have been more happy.

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