he falls asleep on you

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ayeeee hbd to jai and luke!! gosh, 20?! that's unbelievable. they've grown up so much with us and I am so excited to see that continue :)) what's your age? comment!
you and daniel had gotten back from a party and daniel was pretty drunk. you laid down on the couch, and daniel soon plopped down right next to you in the tiny space that was left. you rolled on top of him to make more room and he involuntarily smiled, gripping your waist. you watched his breathing become more steady, his eyes sofltly flutter closed, and soon lulled to sleep yourself.
you and beau were driving back from his moms house with luke and jai. jai was driving, with luke in the passenger seat and you and beau in the back. gina lives 2 hours away, and you've only just gotten in the car. you're looking out the window, when beau lays his head in your lap. he's facing you, and looks up to you really quick before closing his eyes. you plant a quick kiss on his cheek and continue to watch the trees zoom by.
you and james had just gotten done making cupcakes when he got a call from his sister. his grandma had passed away this morning. you gripped into him, hugging him. you led him upstairs, and he lightly cried. you helped him take off his jeans (not in that way) and quickly slid yours off yourself. you snuggled him under the covers, and he held you so tight it was just on the edge of being uncomfortable. you let him hold you like that though, until it slowly loosened. you held his head to your chest, and he clung himself around your lower waist. your breathing syncopated with his, quietly pulling you to sleep.
jai, your best friend, had just called you. he said that his girlfriend, cassidy, had just cheated on him. he walked in on them making out, and your heart broke a little bit. you and jai have always had slight feelings for each other, but you just shook them off. he drove to your house, and you immediately let him in. right when the door opened he rammed into you, hugging you around the neck. you wobbled back slightly, but gripped around his back tightly. he kicked the door shut and you both head up to your room. you sit criss cross and listen to him rant. somehow, you moved to lay down next to him. he finally stopped talking and scooted closer to you. he snuggled into your chest, which felt a little weird to you. you held him back, and hadn't realized he fell asleep.
luke has been sick for the past 4 days. coughing, sneezing, occasional vomiting. it was pretty nasty. you were laying on the couch, scrolling through twitter on your phone when luke came sauntering down the stairs. you gave him a quick glance but looked back to your phone. you were startled slightly when he laid on top of you. his head laid on your chest, his arms flung off the side of him. you continued to thumb through your phone, using his back as a resting place for your phone. you played with his curly locks, as his snores filled the silent room.

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