friends with benefits ;)

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hey guys! this one is a little... different soooo umm yeah haha. I think I may make this the start of a pregnancy series!!
:) keep commenting those preference ideas! they really help!!
daniel: it was 3 in the morning, and you needed him. you needed daniel. not the need like hugs and snuggles. the need.
you hop out of bed, only in a tshirt and throw on a pair of athletic shorts. quickly but quietly, you run out of your house and across your neighbors yard. you can hear the blasting music and multiple voices of people inside. steven, daniels older brother always is having parties. you let yourself in, and the taller people barely notice you. you swerve through the open spaces until you get to the stairs, which you quickly jog up. you go straight to his bedroom door, where a sign hung. It was the sign you and him made when you were 4, saying "daniels room. only (your name) allowed."
you welcomed yourself in, to see daniel sleeping. you jumped on top of him, straddling him. he jolted awake. "what the heck!" he whisper shouted. you gave him the look and his eyes widened. "right now?" he asked. you nodded vigorously and he laid back, sighing. "I'm so tired though." he grumbled. you sat down, putting just enough pressure to cause him to flip you over, giving you exactly what you wanted.
beau: you and beau were just getting home from college. you walked in first, laying your bag on the floor. he stood with his back to the door. "well we are home alone, what do we do now?" beau said blankly. at first, you were surprised he didn't think about what you were thinking about. "I have an idea." you walked towards him slowly, and he quickly got the message. he picked you up, pushing you up against a wall. with that loud thud, you were glad you were home alone. within minutes, everything had happened.
the two of you lay breathless on the couch.
"that was quick" you panted. "new record. it had to be, jai and luke come home soon." beau panted as well.
"wanna snack?" beau asks.
james: it was a saturday night and you and james were cuddled on your couch, watching cartoons. suddenly, james begins to rub your leg. he wasn't even trying to signal anything sexual, but it worked. without warning, you flipped over on top of him. it didn't take him long to figure it out. he followed along, but between kisses he would ask,
"where did that..."
"come from."
"right now?"
jai: you rode home with your boyfriend jai, and luke. luke ran right up to his room and you followed jai to the kitchen. "what do you want to eat?" you asked, digging through the fridge. "you." he stated, and you could hear the smirk in his voice. you laughed and shut the fridge, turning around. you were surprised when jai grabbed your face, passionately kissing you. you laughed slightly at his eagerness, but the look in his eyes got to you.
you two continued kissing hungrily, when a voice made you jump.
"get a room!" luke shouted, obviously grossed out.
jai quickly threw you over his shoulder and carried you upstairs.
luke: you were at school, in english class. luke was sat next to you, watching the film your teacher had playing. suddenly, out of nowhere, you get an urge. the chills run down your body and you quickly ask the teacher if you can use the restroom.
you smack the back of lukes head as you walk out, and point to your phone. you get into the bathroom, making sure to go into the single person bathroom. you quickly text luke.
"I need you. now. bathrooms when the bell rings."
a few minutes later, the bell rings.
luke is knocking on the door within 10 seconds. you pulled him in.
"what's wrong?" he looks over you, checking to see if you're hurt.
without words, you pull him into a kiss. you tangle your fingers in his curly hair, and he quickly catches on. it only takes 5 minutes, making you 2 minutes late for class. but it was so worth it.

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