How You Start To Move On :) (Dont worry you get your Janoskians back)

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Daniel: After a few weeks of Daniel tweeting you, you choose to delete your twitter. It just got to hard to see him apologizing through the computer, unwilling to get up and find you. You made a new account, and are finally starting to become happier, you have your best friends, all girls, and none of them talk about Daniel.

Beau: Beau had gotten back from tour and showed up at your house, acting as if nothing happened. You told him to leave you alone, and sure enough he did. It kind of hurt you, the way he just gave up on you like that. But you moved on, in fact you were invited to a YouTuber interview, someone who goes by the name 'Jc Caylen' recommended you.

James: James had apologized to you many times and was constantly attempting to capture your attention on every social media, he even showed up at interviews you were invited to, seeing as you are a famous dancer. You were miserable on the inside, his fans were only apologizing to you because they wanted James's attention.

After a few days, James has laid off back and stopped annoying you. Slowly, you are starting to feel better as your career grows.

Jai: (sorry, it's longer for some reason) You didn't think it was possible, to be happy after you watched what you thought was the love of your life, chuck you away for someone else. You became depressed and were even put in the hospital for a night because you wouldn't eat. Your best friend had showed up at one of the boys concerts, and Big Rob let her backstage to talk to Jai. Jai was happy to see her, he acted as if his life was perfect. She broke down at the sight of him. It was captured by an interviewer. When you watched the video that was now all over social media, the words you remember her saying were, "how can you be so happy, when she is breaking apart?" After that experience, Your best friend never left your side. You had heard that Jai was now searching for you and was trying to get you back. Your old friends who have their own YouTube channel, "Our2ndLife," invited you and your best friend to live with them, escaping the horrific memories of Jai. Let's just say, Connor and you got really close, and those memories of Jai are almost non-existent.

Luke: You didn't want to forgive Luke, but for goodness sakes you lived with him! Everyday, he would attempt to apologize and hug you. You wouldn't say anything, and instead just let him wrap his arms around you. It took all you had to not hug him back and kiss him forever. For the past week now, you have left the house to spend time with an old friend, Jake. You aren't dating him and never will, but he is the only other person who makes you happy like Luke did.

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