You Let Him... :)

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Guys can you please check out my newest book. It would mean a lot if more people read it. I honestly cried while writing it. It's a Jai fanfic, and Addie comes home after ten months and finds out Jai has a new girlfriend. The story will he super good, I promise. The first couple chapter are super emotional and THE FEELS THOUGH.


Daniel: You let Daniel paint your nails. He absolutely loves your hands and for some odd reason enjoys painting nails. He's not the best at it and that's what makes it adorable.

Beau: You let Beau do your hair. He loves your hair so much and loves always playing with it and smelling it. He's so cheeky ;). You let him straighten it and braid it but there aren't many other tricks he's learned yet.

James: You let James talk to you. Both of you are extreme talkers and it sometimes can get frustrating when both of you are always trying to talk. So instead, you let him talk to you first, and then he returns the favor.

Jai: You let Jai help you pick out your clothes. He is such a fashionista and actually has great taste in girls clothing. Every time your together, you let him pick out your outfit and then add your own twist to it. You always get great compliments on your outfit too.

Luke: You let Luke embarrass you. Whenever you and Luke are in public, he always draws attention. Whether it's dancing, singing, or messing with you in public. Sometimes, it's even when he compliments you or kisses you constantly in front of people.

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