He Lets You

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Daniel: Daniel let's you put makeup on him. Somedays, you have a really cool makeup look in your head, and you need to test it out to see how it looks. Daniel, being the sweetie he is, let's you test it out on him.

Beau: Beau let's you do his hair, in fact he loves it when you do his hair. Sometimes it even puts him to sleep. But the deal is, you do his hair, he gets to play with your later. He loves how it always smells good and is super soft.

James: James let's you do anything you want to him. No matter how girly it is. He never really enjoys it, but is always totally up for anything you want to try, he loves seeing how excited you get.

Jai: Jai let's you paint his nails. You enjoy doing your nails, but most of the time your nails already have a cute new coat on them and you can't take it off. So instead you paint Jai's nails. He is so cute, he doesn't want you to think he doesn't like it, so he leaves it on even after you tell him it's okay to take it off.

Luke: You are really needy. Constantly wanting to hug and cuddle. He let's you cuddle and hug him as much as you need throughout the day, just because he doesn't want to see you upset or grumpy. But, you must return the favor and hug and cuddle with him when he asks.

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