late night cravings

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heyyy just so you guys known preferences may be a little slow this week because my birthdays coming up!! lol and then my best friends...and then my moms. soooo yeah :)
daniel: french fries. almost every night, if there weren't any to cook on the freezer, daniel would take you through the mcdonalds drive-thru for french fries. he would always grab an extra root beer too, because once you finished the fries during the 3 minute ride home, you would crave root beer.
beau: cake. all kinds of cake. chocolate, white, lemon, carrot, cheese, red velvet, and the list goes on. the first trimester, you were struggling. you couldn't find anything that filled your hunger needs. and then one day gina brought by some leftover birthday cake from a friend's party. from that moment on, jai ran to the bakery every week for a couple different cakes. the baker really started to worry about him.
james: you are a lot of things over your pregnancy, and really didn't want to stop. there was one thing that could quickly fill you up though, and that was bbq wings. pretty often, james would drive you to this small restaurant down the block, just because those were your favorite at the time.
jai: quesadillas. you only lived off of quesadillas. well, jai obviously had to get you to eat other foods, but they always made you sick. you had breakfast quesadillas in the morning, regular quesadillas for lunch, and jai would always cook up something good to go with your quesadillas for dinner. and sometimes, when jai was sleeping you'd sneak downstairs to have more quesadillas.
luke: mozzarella sticks. you weren't super addicted to them, but those were especially delicious at the time. not just any mozzarella sticks though... the ones luke made. those were amazing. you ate them whenever you could, which luke kind of got sick of considering he had to make them all the time. but, because he loves you, he'd cook up a fresh batch every morning.

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