that time of the month // part 2

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please go check out my new book?
(also sorry jais is longer for some reason)
Daniel drove you all the way home, and you felt more and more uncomfortable.

You don't get along with Daniel's friends very well. Beau and Jai are always joining with Daniel to mess with you. James and Luke are more of your brothers than Daniel is.

He pulled up in the driveway and you stomped inside. When you entered the house Jai and Beau were waiting by the door. You glared at them. Jai almost fell back in laughter and you continued to glare at Beau. He was obviously about to burst.

You squinted your eyes a little bit more, and he blew. Both Jai and Beau were laughing, and so was Daniel when he came inside.

James and Luke were on the couch, trying to ignore it as best as they could.
You turned to walk up the stairs, flipping them off as you did. All of them shouted apologies as you walked away.
You and the rest of the boys jumped in the car quickly, and drove home.
When you arrived home you ran inside and changed into Beaus old tshirt and some sweatpants. You took of your makeup and put your hair up messily.

When you came downstairs, the boys had some drinks set up and had you set out an adhesive heating pad for your stomach (they are the best omg) and some Advil.

They were all drinking and had music blasting. You smiled as Beau motioned you over to him.
James came back with chicken nuggets, your favorite. He sat next to you and you laid your feet up on his lap.
"Is this what girls do when they're on their period?" You furrowed your eyebrows. James laughed, "basically."

He tossed you the remote, which he almost never does. "Really?" You asked, looking at him with wide eyes. He raised his eyebrows and looked at the remote. "Yes!" You smiled and flipped through the channels.
When you and Jai pulled up at the house, you walked in and tossed hur bag on the ground. But, you were interrupted when you heard familiar voices in the lounge.

You peeked around the corner, and instantly became angry when you saw the rest of the boys on the couch playing Fifa.

You walked over, about to grab the tv remote off of Jai's lap. "I don't think so." He laughing picking it up.
"How's the period life?" Daniel asked you, laughing. "You told them?" You shouted at Jai. All of them roared with laughter and you felt your face turn bright red. "Awe she's so cute when she's mad." Luke awed. You glared at him and stomped upstairs. When you got an idea, halfway up the stairs, your grinned.

You zipped downstairs, and rummaged through the kitchen. When you found the red food coloring, you laughed slightly.
You also turned up the heat, really high.

The boys were to distracted by the TV to notice you.
You locked yourself in the bathroom once more and grabbed a pad.
You soaked the clean pad with the red food coloring and peeled the adhesive off.

This was going to be the best.
You snuck down the stairs and held the pad behind your back.
Jai had taken his shirt off, along with Beau and Daniel. Daniel and Luke were playing Fifa. Jai was laying on the floor, Beau was sitting on the couch, and James was sat in the chair.

You walked over to Jai, and all of them turned to look at you. They were waiting for you to say something.

You slapped the pad onto Jais chest and he screamed. The other boys backed away. "That's disgusting!" "Ewwww!" You heard them all shouting.

"Wait a minute." Jai said slowly. The other boys shut up. "It's just food coloring." He laughed slightly.

You continued to smirk. They all laughed at your 'failed' prank. You began walking away. "Why was she still smirking?" Beau asked.

Then Jai started to peel the pad off. He shouted loudly, as the adhesive was pulling his chest hair. The other boys began laughing as well, and cringed slightly too.
You laid on the floor with Luke, Beau, and Jai. You watched the notebook and ate the entire carton of ice cream.

You hadn't said a word, and for some reason you were just not in the mood for laughter. Every time they laughed you just glared.

Your most favorite part of the movie was about to play when of course, Luke decides to fart.
They throw the blanket over you and you kick and shout.

They are all laughing, and you kind of start to cry.
You finally kick the blanket off, and they see you.
They stop laughing and you just continue to wipe your tears away.

You get up to leave, and you barely get 2 steps away before Luke pulls you down onto his lap. "I'm sorry." He says in a baby voice. It makes you giggle slightly, and Beau and Jai come and attack your face with kisses like they did When you were younger.

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