They talk about you at an interview after you break up.

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_____: lines separate boys

"So, Daniel. It's all over social media. (Your name), what's going on between you and her?" The man asks.

"we never actually announced our relationship, but there isn't really a point in doing it now. I would rather not say anything more, but she was my everything."
"Do you mind if we talk about (your name), James?" He smiled.

James shrugs and nods.
"There isn't much to say, I love her. She is going through a hard time and has to move back to America for a year or so. I will miss her. We haven't officially broken up, but I won't lose her I can tell you that much."
No one knows about the break up. You had broken up with Beau because you had been diagnosed with depression and he wasn't there for you.
"Beau, explain this picture. And might I say it is absolutely adorable." The lady smiles widely.

"Well, that's (your name). Um, I- I love her very much. But I messed up. A lot. I lost her, and I would do the anything to get her back." Beau shakily says.
"We heard about (your name). Apparently, there's a lot of drama going on between you and her, according to fans." The interview says, trying to show some sympathy.

"Ya, my fans are really upset. They are showing a lot of hate towards (your name) for breaking up with me. But she broke up with me because I made a few mistakes. So they should be hating on me. I mean, I'm truly heartbroken. She was my love. Most of my fans are starting to understand that and are trying to get (your name)'s attention. But, all in all, I miss her."
Luke had asked the interviewer not to talk about you. Because every time he hears your name he breaks down. He needs you.
But that day, Jai posted this on his Instagram.
It was a picture of you and him asleep together. You were laying on his chest and he had his arms around you.
"As you all know, Luke isn't doing well. He is really sorry he hasn't been in any videos, or been on social media. It's hard seeing him like this. The truth is, he is in love. (Your name) broke up with him because of a mistake he made and he truly regrets. We all miss her. @(your insta user) if you see this, please know he needs you. He loves you. I'm sorry he wasn't here to post this, he just... Couldn't."

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