Reason You Break Up :( (Don't worry i'll do a makeup one too)

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Daniel: Daniel broke up with you after you confronted him about him cheating on you. He never cheated on you, but it was the fact he lied to you about everything and wouldn't just tell you it was a fan that kissed him.

Beau: You broke up with Beau because you just couldn't handle being away from him for that long. You and him agreed that the second he came back that you would start dating again, but while he was away he was caught with another girl.

James: James broke up with you after you were complaining about the fans. You had every right to though, seeing as they were telling you to kill yourself and other horrible things like that. You had asked him to confront his fans but he instead broke up with you.

Jai: You and Jai were on a date one night and he had seen Ariana. You left the date, seeing as he was obviously flirting with her. You haven't talked to him since, and have met a new boy. His name is Connor, but he's not like Jai.

Luke: You had caught Luke drooling over Mila Kunis at the VMA's. You went home with Jai and Daniel, and they took you out for ice cream. You have been miserable for the past two days, and Jai, Daniel, Beau, and James have been comforting you seeing as they are your best friends.

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