The Baby Talk

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First of all, thank you guys so much for 53k omg!!! I love you all so much, I never expected that many people. I'm sorry I'm not as active on here, I'm going to try and post at least once a day from now on. Also, Jai's preferences may be a little different but I'll try to keep it somewhat on topic haha. Ily ❤️


Daniel: He just left you. Sitting alone in your living room. What are you going to do. You have your dad but he always told you to stay away from guys that you might end up losing. The guys who would do what Daniel just did. But you love Daniel.

You just decide to lay down, and sleep off the heartbreak.

Who am I kidding? No one can sleep off a heartbreak! The entire night, you eat ice cream in the quiet dark room.

*next morning*

You wake up to the smell of blueberry pancakes. Your favorite.

You stand up off the couch, and you can already feel some weight holding you down. You wobble your way over to the kitchen, and are surprised to see Daniel cooking at the stove. On the table, there are three plates. "Um, Daniel?" You begin. He immediately spins around, "(your name)! I'm so so so sorry about last night. I was just scared, but I promise I'm never going to leave your side again." Daniel holds you in a tight hug. "Daniel. That's great hunny, and I love you too. But why are their three plates?" You giggle. "Oh! One for you, my lovely, one for me, and one for the baby." He smiles like a little kid, proud of his work. You giggle, "sweetie, um the baby is in my stomach..." He nods.

"The baby can't eat on it's own..." He nods again. "Daniel. The baby is in me, therefore, the baby does not need it's own plate." You say, gesturing to the plates. "Ohhhhh." Daniel says, making you laugh.


You both sit in silence, as he rubs your back. "What are we going to do?" Beau says.

"Honestly, I don't know." You sigh. "Well you know what I do know." Beau smiles, more confidently. "Hmm?" You hum as he stands up in front of you. "I know that no matter what, our baby will be beautiful, healthy, smart, and kind just like you! And to ensure you Are happy and healthy throughout this pregnancy I'm taking time off the tour. I have to." He smiles. "What about the fans?" You ask, shocked. "They'll understand. I hope." He says, still smiling. You smile back, pulling him in for a hug.

James: "James. I'm scared." You whisper, as you lay on top of him on the bed. "Why baby?" James hums, as he lay with his eyes still closed. "I'm scared of everything." You sigh climbing off of him, sitting cross cross. "Like what?" He yawns sitting up. "Like, the contractions will hurt, I'm gonna throw up a bunch, and I heard some people poop when they give birth." You whisper the last part. James laughs, pulling you onto his lap. "Well guess what." He whispers. "What?" You ask. "I'll be with you every step of the way. And it's all worth it in the end." You smiled at his words, leaning into him and falling asleep.

Jai: After seeing him with Ariana, you ran out of the room and out of the building.


What have I done? Ariana and I are only really good friends now, nothing more. After her grandpa died, she's been having a really hard time so I laid down with her, to talk.

When (your name) walked in, I saw her stomach. She hasn't said anything about being pregnant. "I have to go after her." I say, running out of the building. About a block away, I see her wobbling back and forth. "(Your name)!" I shout. She turns around, and our eyes meet. She's in tears. Quickly, I run across the busy street, cars honking at me. I finally catch up to her. "What do you want Jai?" She huffs. I gently touch her shoulder and she spins around. "I want you. I want you, and I want this beautiful baby. I want to help you through all of it so we can have a wonderful family." A few people are stopped, and they start shouting and cheering. "Well I guess you shouldn't have cheated on me then!" She laughs a little in disgust. The people awkwardly turn away, and soon they all disappear. "I never cheated on you. Ariana is going through a hard time, and she needed someone to comfort her. It means nothing I promise." I whisper.


Without saying anything more, Jai smashes his lips to yours, and you two hold each other tight, careful of your child between the two of you.

Luke: Luke had carried you to bed from the couch, where you fell asleep. You've only thrown up a few times in that past month or so. And it's one of those times. You jump up, waddling to the bathroom as fast as possible, and letting it all out. Luke is quickly in there, holding back your hair and rubbing your back. "It's okay baby, it's okay." He whispers to you. When you're all cleaned up, you turn to him and hug him, crying into his shoulder. "I know baby." He whispers, holding you tight.

"You know. I could really go for some pickles and ice cream right now." You say, in all seriousness. "Let's go then." He chuckled, guiding you to the kitchen with his hand on your back.

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