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It all started on a bright summer's day on flower fruit mountain. 

It also all started out as a mistake. At the time, Monkey king himself had been running high on emotions, and Macaque, who had originally come to taunt him, had ended up angrily kissing him, reminiscent of when they both used to be courting each other, a long time ago. 

Like all things with those two, things had gotten out of hand, and now Monkey king sat with a stone rock. A creation that had been made with a combination of both his and Macaque's powers in some high strung impulse.

The first thing he realized, as Macaque gawked at it silently next to him, was that they were both foolish, impulsive people. The second was that they were very unequipped for raising a child. Especially since Macaque and he didn't work together. Couldn't. There was too much history, too much betrayal. Too many fights. 

"What should we do with it?" The immortal asked, uncharacteristically quiet, and was alarmed when Macaque scoffed. 

"Kill it?" He stated as if it was the most natural, logical solution in the world. 

"What! No. we can't-"

"It was a mistake. I don't want to look after some kid. Look, if you don't get rid of it, I will." Then he mumbled, "Don't need any overpowered kids running around." 

Looking at Macaque in a different light, Sun Wukong turned away, tail curling around the rock protectively. 

"We're not killing it." He said a final statement that caused Macaque to snarl. 

"Other demons will! It's going to be weak, defenseless, and eventually, used against us! I won't have anything holding me back!" Wukong shook his head. 

"Get out." Macaque looked up, startled at the venom in his voice. 

"What?" Then, yelling, Sun Wukong shoved him harshly. 

"I SAID GET OUT!" Startled, the darker Monkey backed away, tail lashing out angrily behind him. 

"Fine. But you'll see I was right when other demons find out about that thing and want its' power for themselves." And with that parting threat, Macaque left, going to spread some rumors about the rock to other demons to prove himself right. And if that also was a way to get back at Wukong? Well, that was just a bonus. 

It took a whole year for anything to actually happen, though. Exactly one year later, the rock cracked and from it emerged a small, fuzzy, monkey. Sun Wukong had been watching as it happened, awe on his face as he picked the little monkey up, his son, and held him gently. 

The baby had fur more like his other father's colours, he noticed first, but the light marking on his face was more like Wukongs' own and he smiled as the baby opened his bright, golden eyes and grasped one of Wukong's fingers with his fist tightly. 

The baby made a happy, cooing sound as he looked up at his father and at that moment Wukong fell in love with the tiny child in his arms, bringing the baby to his chest and whispering the baby's name, "Qi Xiaotian" to him.

It was peaceful, it was loving and it was good. 

Unfortunately, for Sun Wukong, good things didn't last long. 

The child grew and Sun Wukong quickly realized that raising a kid was more work than he'd thought it would be. Especially one as rowdy and strong as Qi Xiaotian. He broke a lot of things as he grew older and the noises he made eventually developed into babbling and then singular words, his first one, much to Wukong's delight, was "dada." 

When the kid, his kid, was two human years old, a group of demons found their way onto Wukongs' sanctuary and tried to kill his kid. 

They weren't particularly strong demons, but there were a lot of them, and Wukong, as powerful as he was, was struggling to fight them off singlehandedly while also keeping his child safe. While fighting, Qi Xiaotian managed to crawl out of his grip, and a nearby demon aimed at blow at him. Monkey king protected his kid with his own body, feeling the blow against his back before standing up with shining, protective eyes. 

At that moment, everything was silent, and the attackers realized that they'd made a fatal mistake.

Wukong decimated the group after that, the sound of Qi Xiaotains screaming and crying loud over the fighting. If you could even call it fighting at that point.

After all was said and done, Wukong took his baby into his arms and rocked him back and forth, feeling the weight of what had happened heavily on his shoulders as he rocked his kid to sleep as put him down in his cot eventually. 

Tired, he sluggishly sat down next to his now sleeping child. He wasn't going to leave this room tonight, wasn't going to leave his kids' side for anything so he stayed where he was and eventually drifted off to sleep, their tails gently entwined together. 

When he woke up, the room was empty. 

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