Into the mind

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MK wasn't sure where he was going when he'd left. That place was the last safe place he knew. There was nowhere else for him to go. 

He changed back into his more comfortable form, letting the human one drop as his ears twitched uncomfortably. 

He could hear Pigsy, Mei, and Tang in the shop below, talking. Probably worried about him. Mei seemed to be explaining something but MK caught the name Monkey King and he was gone, not wanting to listen any longer, not wanting to stay and explain. 

He just wanted this nightmare to stop. 

Feeling the strain of shapeshifting, MK scowled, wiping away at his eyes as he felt the weight of everything going on push down on him.

He could still hear the city being destroyed and went in closer to take another look at the Bone demon. Even though it was a stupid idea. 

He found the area they'd fought in earlier, keeping hidden in shadow form at the walls nearby as he looked down at the still unmoving figure of the Demon Bull King. MK wondered for a long moment why she hadn't possessed him again, it seemed as though she'd still needed a body after all but all those thoughts came to a stop when suddenly the wind picked up, slashing around the area before he caught sight of Princess Iron Fan, who tumbled to her knees next to her husband. 

He caught sight of Red Son behind her too, both of them looking worse for wear. 

When she shook him, the figure lying on the floor groaned, body moving just a bit and both Iron Fan and Red Son took a step back. MK looked on in interest but mostly just confusion. 

DBK moved, shifted slightly and both MK and the Bull family watched as he opened his eyes, blinking rapidly. 

Iron Fan moved forwards and MK watched, fascinated and she placed a hand on his cheek, turning his head so that they were looking into each other's eyes. 

"What-what happened?" The Demon asked and MK wasn't sure what Princess Iron Fan saw but she smiled softly, drawing him in closer and pressing their foreheads together lovingly. It was then that MK realized he was invading a private moment and he felt a second of shame before he shook it away. 

She said something that MK didn't hear and MK looked over at Red Son who was watching the whole interaction with furrowed eyebrows and a slight frown. 

MK winced suddenly, head pounding with a familiar sharp pain as he hissed, blue invading his vision. He pulled backwards away from the family as he bit back a whine, hands cradling his head as he fought against the sudden blue sketchy lines that made up a familiar person in front of him and missing the look Red Son turned to give him before he was out of sight. 

When he saw her, his heart skipped a beat, tongue heavy in his mouth as he tried to take a step back and away, stumbling as he did like a person who didn't know how to use their legs.

The woman with her glowing eyes and a creepy smile twitched her head to the side, her grin stretching wider as she took a singular step forwards, slow and controlled.  

It made MK panic and he stumbled away from more, disoriented with his distorted vision and the pounding in his head. It seemed like there were whispers all around, both noisy and incredibly silent at the same time. It hurt. 

She took another slow, controlled step towards him and he thinks his breathing must have turned into hyperventilation with how dizzy he felt.  

He gritted his teeth, pushing against the blue to be able to get a solid few steady steps away from her before he was tumbling to his knees again, the pressure having increased ten-fold. 

"How cute, that you thought you could escape your destiny." Then she was suddenly close to his face, eyes staring into his own. 

Then he was lifted into the air, her hand snapping around his throat as she hefted him into the air with just one arm, leaving him grabbing at the arm with no results. She leaned in close, eyes seeming even brighter now than they had before as MK wheezed, unable to breathe with the hand constricting his throat. 

"I will always find you, wherever you go." The outline of her, blue and white went through him, seemed to go into him, and she disappeared as he dropped to the floor, the hand suspending him in the air gone and he gasped for breath, lungs burning. Then the headache stopped as suddenly as it came, vision normal like nothing had happened. 

He stood up, confused. 

He looked around, eyeing the quiet street with suspicion for the Bone demon who seemed to have but come from and disappeared out of nowhere. 

For some reason, that unsettled him more than if she'd have attacked him. 

Then, with one last fleeting glance at where he'd just seen her stand he fled, the feeling of wrong, wrong, wrong following where he went.


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