Paying Attention

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After running around for a while using their powers to steal the basket back and forth they eventually got bored and the basket was soon forgotten as the game became a stealing MK competition instead. He shrieked with laughter every time he was unexpectedly whisked off one of his dads in some creative way and put in the arms of his other, having fun being tugged around carefully until eventually, he felt himself tire even though he wasn't doing any of the work. 

"Alright, I think the cubs had enough of that." Macaque finally concluded by the time MK was out of breath from his laughter, opening up a shadow portal MK fell into before reappearing on the ground, making a small 'oof' sound as he landed near the two baskets. 

"But I was winning!" Wukong complained as MK watched idly, picking out a plum from the basket and biting into it happily. All the excitement had made him hungrier than he'd realized and he closed his eyes at the ripe, juicy flavor, tail wriggling about on the grass behind him. 

"Sure, you tell yourself that." He heard Macaque chuckle before he felt someone sit down near him and opened his eyes again to see his dad plop down in the shade next to him, taking a plum of his own and lying down so his arms were behind his head, enjoying the quieter tone.

"Sure you don't want a peach, bud? They're much better." Wukong tried to convince him and MK was too nice to say no, letting himself grab the fruit offered to him and setting it down in his lap to save for after he was done with the plum.

"Don't listen to him, kid, that idiot wouldn't know good food if it hit him in the head." Macaque sniggered and Wukong gasped dramatically, throwing a peach at the demon in hopes of hitting him with it. It was too bad that Macaque simply flicked his tail at it without even looking, batting it away easily. 

"So not true! You're the one that eats garbage. Bet you don't even know how to cook."

"I do too!" 

"Oh yeah, like what? I've never seen you make-" 

"We should cook together later!" Mk interrupted their little squabble with an excited shout, grinning ears to ears as he wiggled in place. 

"What?" Both Macaque and Wukong turned to look at him, confusion on their faces and he nodded. 

"Yeah like... like a baking competition!" Neither seemed particularly sold on the idea but MK was now completely sold on the idea of doing some baking with them. Pigsy didn't really bake much himself so MK didn't get to eat baked goods often and he had such a sweet tooth for pies and cakes that had fruits in them. 

"And whoever wins is the better cook." He tacked onto the end, sealing the deal since the idea of winning in some way made the two immediately interested even though baking wasn't cooking at all.

"Yeah alright. We can use the fruits we gathered today to make them." Macaque agreed calmly, tail flicking about lazily as he gave MK a proud smile, fully aware of the trick the kid had pulled and going along anyway. 

MK finished off his plum quickly, moving on to the peach and enjoying that too while Macaque lazed about in the shade and Baba took a nap in the sun, the monkeys joining in on the naps. MK giggled when Wukong started snoring, trying to stifle them to not wake him up. He laughed harder when he noticed that Macaque was smirking ever so slightly and the snoring got louder. 

It wasn't long at all though before MK had finished another peach and was bored again, standing up and brushing off the grass from his fur before wandering along to the stream he knew to be nearby in hopes of washing off the stickiness on his hands from the fruit. 

He hopped along the stones to the middle of the small river, leaning down and plunging his hands in the cool water as a few monkeys from before followed after him, watching what he was doing while one of them started mimicking him, putting its own paws in the water too. MK grinned, thinking that was adorable as he stood up again jumping back to the other side of the river. 

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