Sticky situations

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The next day, day three of boat confinement, Mei and MK found themselves bored again, sighing loudly as they complained to each other about what they could do. They hadn't found any more games in Sandy's storage room the previous day, which had been a bummer, and now they had nothing new to do. 

They'd learned from their race escapade and weren't even considering leaving in search of entertainment but now that meant they needed something on the boat to entertain them and even when putting their collective knowledge together they were coming up short. 

That was until Mei suddenly sprang up, eyes wide.

"MK. MK. You know what we haven't done? Something I've been saying we need to do?" She paused but didn't give MK a chance to answer, voice taking on an excited but serious tone.

"Panks, MK. We should create the best, awesomest pranks. We have a whole boat full of people at our disposal! it's the perfect scenario." MK bit his lip, watching his friend's enthusiasm and not sharing it. 

"I don't know... I don't want to get in trouble..." He started, knowing full well that Mei was about to convince him and not caring. He wanted something to do anyway.  

"Come on, MK! It'll be fun! Everyone else will laugh too, they'll just be that good pranks it'll be impossible to be mad at us." Convinced instantly MK grinned, nodding his head enthusiastically. 

"Okay! Let's do it then." Mei grinned a devious grin and everyone should definitely have been afraid of her at that moment. 

"Perfect. I've got the best ideas." 

Pigsy was the first one to fall victim to their traps, them having found some superglue and deciding to glue down everything that was in the kitchen, from the sponge they used to wash the dishes with to the forks and knives.

They watched, hidden on top of the fridge as Pigsy first tried to pick up the sharp knife next to the cutting board, pausing in confusion when it didn't move. Then, he tugged harder, frown growing as e knife remained completely still on the counter.

Giving up with one final tug he went to open the drawn next to it, one MK knew they kept the spatulas in, and maybe Pigsy had been hoping to use that to pry the knife off only they had glued the draws shut too and that was just as stuck closed as the knife was to the table. 

"What?" They heard Pigsy's panic as he tried another door, finding the same result, and MK held in a loud laugh as he began yanking on the breadboard, yelling profanities at MK and Mei who he didn't know were in the room. 

"When I get my hands on you-" He began, yelling at the top of his lungs but it dissolved into gibberish by the end where he was so angry he couldn't think of anything to say. 

Next to MK, Mei covered her mouth with a hand, smiling as Pigsy yanked on any object he could find hoping to get a different result. He even tried the chairs and table and was surprised (Though really should he have been) to find that those had been glued to the floor too. 

Silently, Mei raised a fist with a smug look and MK fist-bumped her, the two of them had debated doing the table and chairs for a while because of the effort. It was absolutely worth it when Pigsy tried yanking the table from the floor, pulling with all his might before losing his grip and falling backward onto the floor

Despite his best efforts, MK lost it at that, a loud laugh escaping him before he could hide it and Pigsy's head immediately swiveled up to where they were hiding. 

"YOU! Oh, you two are in so much trouble!" He yelled, stalking towards them and MK's eyes grew wide, yelling, 

"Scatter!" As loudly as he could even though Mei was right next to him before jumping off the fridge and rushing out the room with Mei next to him, Pigsy hot on their tails. 

They rounded the corner and MK panicked, pressing his back against the wall and slipping into the shadows while Mei watched, mouth open wide before she huffed. 

"That is so not fair!" She pouted until Pisgy rounded the corner and she was forced to run again, being chased around most of the ship before she managed to hide behind a crate on the main deck and lose him. 

She waited there for a while, listening to Pigsy's yelling from across the boat with small smiles until eventually, MK materialized next to her, sheepishly rubbing the back of his head.

"MK!" Mei punched him lightly on the arm.

"I can't believe you betrayed me like that, left me to the wolves." She cried out in mock horror, faking offense as MK bit his lip. 

"Sorry, Mei, I panicked!" He said in his defense and Mei smiled once more, pulling him so he was crouched down with her and not in view of the deck. 

"It doesn't matter, now use your super-hearing to tell me where he is so we can make it back to headquarters." She instructed and though MK rolled his eyes slightly at the term super-hearing he listened out anyway, picking up Pigsy's grumblings' easily from the hallway near MK and Mei's room. MK thought it was clever that he was checking there first. 

"Area's clear commander Mei, ready for evacuation," MK informed and Mei nodded seriously, rolling out from behind the crate. 

"Good work Sargent MK, keep an ear out for the target, and let's move out." They kept that type of dialogue up, pretending to be sneaking around until they made it back to the living room, blocking the door behind them with a broom and sighing in relief.  

"Escape was a success. Good job team." Mei praised, high-fiving MK who grinned wildly back and they sat down together on the couch, pausing for a moment of silence. 

"Now what?" MK questioned after a mere second and Mei paused, stroking her hand on her chin in thought. 

"Want to go prank Macaque?" She offered eventually and MK grinned, nodding his head enthusiastically. 

"Yeah! Let's do it!" And with that the duo was off again, making sure to avoid Pigsy as they set about their next prank. 

(Do I care about the impossibility of ever sticking a table to the floor with superglue to the point where you couldn't move it at all? No, and neither do you. 

I hope you enjoyed, we've had more Mei and MK bonding, and trust me there's more to come so I'll see you all next time!)  

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