Information Gathering

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After that moment with Macaque, Wukong was rushing down the hallway away from his feelings. He hadn't been paying attention to where Red Son had gone after leaving the table earlier other than a general direction and guessing or searching sounded tiring. 

He took a deep breath in, closing his eyes for a second to get his heartbeat back into something less intense, and when he opened his eyes again he could see clearly through the walls the direction Red Son was in, noticing Mei next to him. His gold vision was so helpful sometimes. 

When he got to the door, he went to open it but was surprised to find it locked. Then again, it was Red Son's space so it really shouldn't have been surprising at all. 

Resisting the urge to smash the door in (because he easily could) he raised a fist and knocked, taking a couple of steps away from the door as he waited. 

"Who dares-" The door had opened, Red Son's eyes blazing as he yelled until he caught sight of Wukong and his scowl became deeper. 

"Oh. It's you. What do you want?" He asked distastefully and Wukong ignored it, smiling instead with a casual, unbothered expression he was sure only made Red Son hate him more. 

"Just checking up, you guys found anything yet?" He asked even though he was only here because he'd been searching for an excuse to leave Macaque. 

"You are so annoying but yes, if you must know, I've found something." Wukong blinked in surprise, something like excitement or relief making his smile a little brighter as his tail moved about behind him.

"you mean we found something!" Mei butted in, cheering as she joined Red Son in the doorway, slinging her arm around the demon's shoulders playfully in a casual act that Red Son hissed at and pushed himself away from.  

"No, I mean I! All you succeeded in doing was distracting me!" He yelled and Mei sniggered like he was saying something stupid. She didn't deny it though so Red Son didn't argue back.  

"So are you going to tell me what you've found or are you going to procrastinate all day?" Wukong drawled out, knowing fell ell it would frustrate Red Son. 

"Procrastinate! I'm literally the only person doing anything around here you insolent-" 

"Almost sounds like you didn't find anything." Wukong couldn't help himself from teasing. Usually, he wasn't so antagonistic but it was so funny riling Red Son up that he almost couldn't help it. Also, it was nice to pretend like things were fine like he was okay and not feeling sick at the thought of MK being hurt and alone at this very moment. 

"How dare you-" It looked like he was going to blow up again but shockingly he stopped, taking in a deep breath and glaring harder at Wukong before speaking again, this time at a normal volume. 

"Anyway, so I did some research and found out that the first gourd you guys broke was basically handed down in the end through the family line of two demons you actually killed ages ago, that's who those two brothers are named after actually, Kinkaku and Ginkaku, the gold and Silver Horned Demon Kings. Not that I'm surprised you don't remember them, you must have killed thousands of demons you don't remember." That bit at the end had Wukong bristling and pouting. 

"Well, they were trying to kill my master first! It's not like I killed them for no reason." He defended and Red Son didn't bother that with a response. 

"The objects, amongst others were handed back to Taishang Laojun, who originally owned them since they were stolen. The first gourd was stolen back afterward by the two brothers' mother, who gave it to her next children until it ended up with the two who used it on the monkey boy." He explained and it was almost impressive how he'd managed to retain all this information after only having read it once, he didn't interrupt as Red Son went on, wishing he'd get to the point sooner. 

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