The room

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The room was not what he expected. 

Honestly, he hadn't even been sure what he was expecting in the first place. Something powerful? Some weird, glowing, dangerous object. Almost anything except what was in there. 

It was... a baby's room. 

He thought his eyes were deceiving him at first but no, there was a crib and everything! The whole place had a layer of dust on it and was like something out of memory. He walked in slowly, carefully, his eyes scanning everything in the room while that feeling when he'd first walked into Monkey King's house came back, a tug in his chest. 

He leaned closer to the crib, not touching the dusty railing with his hands as he bearly dared to breathe as to not disturb the dust. There was an area on his side of the crib that had an area with no dust, a disturbed area like it was the only place someone came in to touch. 

It was strange. 

"You shouldn't be in here." A voice said from behind him, cutting through the quiet, timeless feeling and MK yelled loudly, spinning around while his back crashed into the crib in his panic. It didn't move luckily, but MK felt like he'd done something wrong all the same. Monkey King looked furious.  

"M-Monkey King! I-I'm so sorry! I didn't- I just uh. I'M SO, SO, SORRY. I shouldn't have come in here and I-" 

"Kid." MK stopped, breath holding tightly in his throat while his body gave a jerk reaction like it always did when he felt like he was going to be hit. Only he wasn't. The anger slid off his face and only tiredness was left. 

"C'mon, bud, let's get out of here." He put his arm over MK's shoulders, leading him out the room while MK dared one last look behind him, eyes wide before the door shut and the room was left to itself once more. 

They went in a strange silence to the living room and Monkey King went into the kitchen wordlessly, MK left swinging his legs on his makeshift bed and biting his lip anxiously until the other came back with two mugs in his hand. 

"Here, kid." He passed one over into MK's hands, sitting down next to him afterward. MK took a sip, tasting warm tea and feeling just a little bit better. 

Monkey King didn't take a sip from his, but he did sigh. There was silence again after that while MK slowly sipped from his mug, wanting to speak but not wanting to overstep any more boundaries. Eventually and timidly, he found enough confidence to talk. 

"So, um, what- what was that room about?" He really shouldn't have asked, it's not like deserved an answer after snooping around but rather than get angry with him, Monkey King answered, sounding tired and old. 

"I had a kid once." MK's jaw dropped open and, though he tried to clamp his mouth shut, he still ended up yelling, 

"WHAT!" He just couldn't believe it. Monkey King didn't/choose not to respond to his shock and only fiddled with his claws, eyes downcast and sad. 

"What happened?" MK asked, surprisingly soft after recovering from his shock. 

It took a while for Monkey King to say anything but when he did it was layered in regret. 

"He's gone now." They didn't say anything more after that. How could he when it was so clear to MK that Monkey King's son was dead? He put an arm on the immortal's arm gently, shifting just a little closer in an action he hoped Monkey King found comforting. 

Monkey King put an arm around MK's shoulder and tugged him closer, pressing against each other in silent comfort. They stayed that way all night. 

MK didn't remember falling asleep but he woke up surrounded by warmth and comfort. Something soft tickled against his face and he snuggled into it, opening his eyes when the object moved. 

He was startled upon seeing Monkey King, whom he was pressed up against, head tucked into the immortal's side. Though embarrassed, he didn't move, enjoying the warmth as he closed his eyes again, content on going back to sleep. 

"You awake there, bud?" Monkey King's voice above him made his eyes snap open and he pushed himself away from the other, face a bright red. 

"M-Monkey King!" He tried to smooth his expression into something less flustered but failed when Monkey King laughed soft, amused chuckles and his embarrassment only grew. 

"You snore you know." MK didn't think it was possible for his face to feel any hotter but here he was. 

"NO, I DON'T!" His voice cracked loudly in the middle of his squawk and Monkey King chuckled even more until he thought the kid had suffered enough. 

"C'mon, kid, let's go get breakfast." 

He ruffled MK's hair before standing up and MK squawked again, hands flying to his hair to smoothen it down before tumbling off the bed after getting caught in the covers to follow Monkey King into the kitchen. 

"I only have fruit here so just help yourself." He said, picking up a peach and biting into it while MK came over. 

"You only have peaches here." Mk pointed out with a raised eyebrow and Monkey King shrugged, taking another bite. Sighing, MK picked a peach up as well and bit into it, sitting down on the stool next to him. 

MK spent the next few minutes eating, then going back to the living room to put his clothes back on and then waiting for Monkey King to come out of his room before they headed to the training area. They was an odd stillness, an odd silence about them as they trained that day, and MK couldn't help but notice the weariness, the sadness, the unusual quietness in the way the Monkey King interacted with him. 

He didn't say anything about it, though. Content on letting things continue as they naturally did. 

At the end of the day, MK went back to his house to grab clothes, his toothbrush, and ingredients (Pigsy was not impressed) before heading back to Monkey King's house. They'd both figured that staying there for the rest of the week was easier than going and back and forth every night. For MK, it was an excuse to spend more time with Monkey King. For Monkey King, it was a way to feel less lonely, though he'd never admit that out loud or to himself. 

It was just for convenience, that's all. 

(Hey! I'm sorry I've been gone so long, I was away on holiday! I would have said something but I didn't have wifi so couldn't use my laptop :( So yeah, sorry It's been so long. I'm back now though so don't worry, I'll be updating as normal. Hope you all didn't mind the wait! Love you guys and see you next time.) 

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