Battle of wills

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In the end, MK couldn't decide between going home (ignoring that there was no home for him now) or facing Monkey King himself and telling him who he really was. If only to yell at him and attack and get back at him for the thousands of years spent trapped in that box-

He shook his head, head hurting painfully with a sharp ache as he tried to remember what he'd been thinking about.  

Right. His hate for Sun Wukong. 

The thought, for just a tiny second, made him frown, made him shake his head and disagree, and then he was pushed back and the hatred grew stronger as he moved out of the alleyway. 

They should go fight him. Make him weak. With his guard down they could finally have revenge after all this time. 

MK shook his head, blue in his vision as he tried desperately to clear his mind. This wasn't him. These thoughts weren't his.

"No." He whispered, skull feeling like it was being split in two. 

"Leave me alone." That feeling of wrongness came back and suddenly his own voice was laughing, though he was sure it wasn't him doing it. 

"Just give in child. It will make it easier." He recognized the voice now, trembled at the control she was slowly ripping away from him as he sunk to his knees, trying hard to force her out. 

"No. No. Leave me alone." He cried out, gritting his teeth together.

He was scared, terrified even. 

"Let me take control Qi Xiaotian. Let me take revenge on Sun Wukong. You want revenge too, don't you child? Revenge for being so pitiful and alone all these years." For a second there was that hot rage, that scorching anger and hate bubbling away in his chest but just as quick as it came it was gone, MK shaking it away for it wasn't his and blinking rapidly to try and see anything other than blue. 

"No. No, I don't hate him. He's my dad. I- I won't give in. I won't let you hurt him." 

For a second there was silence and MK. For that moment, really thought that maybe she was gone, maybe that was it. No sooner had the terror start to recede did the laugh come. Loud and unhuman, spinning with madness. 

"Oh, sweet child. You don't have a choice." The pain was back again, a thundering ache crashing through his mind and MK yelled, sure that his head was about to explode. 

In his panic and pain, he called out, though he didn't know who for and suddenly he was thinking of his dads, wishing they were here. It felt childish but at that moment all he wanted was his parents to protect him. 

"Don't fight so hard. You will be allowed to go once I've disposed of Sun Wukong." The Lady Bone demon cooed and MK felt a sudden surge of protective determination crash through his nerves, eyes snapping open.

"You- No! I won't let you hurt him. I won't!" He pushed, gold burning in his eyes and scorching the blue away he pushed harder, ignoring the pain and pushing until all that was left was silence, his vision completely golden. No blue insight. 

The stillness made him nervous for a second but the sudden lack of presence in his head made him sag with relief, tiredness draining down on him and his muscles felt sore and his head hurt as his adrenaline faded. He felt tired and drained suddenly, like he'd ran the worlds longest marathon and he ached all over.


The sound of her voice made him tense up again, breath catching in his throat as he looked up, scanning the area wildly to see a figure nearby, her figure, standing straight, head tilted in curiosity. 

"I did not expect you to be so strong. Perhaps you shall have another use." She smiled and MK felt his heart thump loudly and quickly in his chest, making him feel sick. 

"We will meet again, son of Wukong." Was her last words, ringing out eerily before her form seemed to glitch out of existence, there one second and gone the next. 

The worry and panic didn't fade even with her gone and MK heaved in gulps of air greedily, fighting to get his trembling limbs to stand. 

He had to get out of here. 

He didn't even know where, mind crashing with the terror and swarm of emotions as he ran, legs carrying him as fast as they could. 

He kept going and didn't look back, swallowing the ball of anxiety in his throat and pushing himself on even faster. 

He almost cried in relief when the shop, his home, came back into view, seeing the familiar sign and rushing straight into the restaurant and into Pigsy, who looked worried.

"Kid! Where have you been, I've been worried sick about you-" He didn't get to finish as MK barrelled into him, arms clinging tightly like a child as he sobbed, loud and ugly into Pigsy's shirt. 

"Woah. MK, what happened?" His boss asked, voice immediately softening in a way that only happened for MK and Mei, no one else. 

MK didn't respond, couldn't, just clung on to the other as thought he would disappear if he didn't. 

"It's okay kid, I've got ya," Pigsy said instead, wrapping his own arms around his employee's skinny frame as MK tightened the hold. 

They stayed like that for a long while, MK's sobs slowly dying sown into quiet sniffles until he finally pulled away, rubbing his eyes and nose as he kept his eyes downcast, ashamed. 

"You good?" Pigsy asked, and MK nodded even though they both knew he wasn't. 

"Want to talk about what's going on?" He asked and MK waited in a small pause before nodding his head, exhaling shakily before starting an explanation that would take a long while. 

(MK's actually telling people stuff, wow, Healthy communication people. Not that I know anything about that hah. 

Also the trailer for season 3 came out and I'm so excited! I won't spoil anything just encase some of you haven't watched it yet (and if you haven't then what the heck guys) but I am ecstatic. I can't wait! It looks so good! Anyways, hope you enjoyed and I'll see you again soon as always.)

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