Stay with you

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Macaque was driving a truck between one moment and the next, suddenly using Mei's phone as a satnav to find the hospital and driving over the speed limit every time he could. They'd gotten pretty far into the city when Mei suddenly blinked from the passenger seat while they were stopped at a red light, looking into the empty seats in the back blankly. 

"Oh," she said, almost sheepish. 

"I forgot to get Pigsy." She then admitted, guilt evident in her voice. The two looked at each other for a moment, silently communicating that they didn't have the patience to stop and go back, not when they were both so desperate to see MK. 

"My bad." She deadpanned as the light in front of them turned green and he turned his attention back to the road, practically slamming down on the gas. It was a good thing Mei was used to going fast on her bike because anyone else would probably have been holding on to their seat belt for dear life at his driving. 

The moment the hospital was within view Macaque felt his heart leap in his chest, veins thrumming with electricity and adrenaline. He pulled into a parking space in the car park, pretty sure he was parking in a disabled spot and not caring before getting out of the car and finding Mei already walking towards the hospital doors, rushing after her and catching up easily. 

Neither spoke as they practically ran to the front door, nerves making Macaque's throat feel dry until they got to the reception and words were spilling out of his mouth. 

"My kids here, he was injured and was rushed in hours ago, I need to see him and make sure he's okay so where is he?" It all tumbled out at once and he didn't even stop to breathe or let her respond until he was done, eyes glancing around wildly as though he'd somehow spot him around any corner.

"Sir, I need you to slow down. What's your son's name?" The receptionist asked and her voice made his impatience flair up even though he knew it was irrational. It wasn't her fault he was being so unspecific and yet he still wished the women would mind read.   

"His name's MK-" He stopped, tapping his claws on the desk. 

"Or you might have him under Qi Xiaotian?" He didn't know if Wukong had talked to a nurse and if he had he didn't know what name he would have given so he thought it better to give both just to be sure. 

"He probably arrived a few hours ago." He added unsurely when the woman didn't immediately give him the information he wanted, instead doing something on the computer for a moment, her eyes flicking across the screen.

"Ah!" He perked up as she spoke, his foot tapping against the floor. 

"Yes, we have someone under the name MK. His father brought him in using that name but we haven't been able to get a hold of him since his son was brought to the emergency room for surgery." She looked back at him, clearly judging as her eyes raked up and down and he had to hold back a growl. 

Still, the information was useful and he quickly asked, 

"Is MK okay? He's okay right?" He couldn't help but glance around again as he asked even though he knew he wasn't going to be catching sight of MK or Wukong. Especially Wukong, if no one had seen him since MK had been brought in. He'd been absolutely sure Wukong wouldn't have left MK's side so the news worried him.  

"He's in room thirteen." She responded instead and that was good enough for him as he quickly left the reception desk behind, practically running to get to his kids' side faster. 

He heard someone yell about no running and only marginally slowed down, speedwalking partly so he didn't get kicked out (not that he'd let anyone make him leave now) and hoping that Mei was behind him because he wasn't waiting for her, not when he was so close.

His heart was pounding as he frantically scanned for the right room, eyes strained with how desperate he was to make sure he didn't miss it and he was hearing nothing but blood rushing in his ears until he finally saw the right door, breath catching in his throat. 

The adrenaline that was running hot through his veins meant he didn't stop, not even for a moment of anxiety, instead simply grabbing the door handle as quickly as he could and yanking it open without hesitation. 


He sucked in a breath at the sight of his kid, his sweet, lively kid lying surrounded by white and machines and lying as still as a person could lie. It was nothing like the boy he usually saw, who did nothing but move about in some way or another, seemingly unable to keep still.  

For a moment, time stopped and he was just standing there in the doorway, staring at his child without breathing until he managed to get his legs to move, almost falling into the room and staring wide-eyed at his kid. 

He heard a gasp behind him and ignored it, rushing closer to hesitantly glance over every part of MK, eyes taking in the bandages he could see at his side poking through the hospital gown and the pale, sunken-in look of his eyes and face and the way he was lying there like a doll, limp and unresponsive, obviously unconscious. 

It was a sight that made his whole chest ache and burn but at least he was alive. The beeping noise on the other side of his kid's bed was only comforting as he reached his hand out towards MK's slack face, hands trembling minutely at the sight of his injured baby. 

But then again, at least he was alive. 

That's what he told himself as he ran his thumb over MK's cheek tenderly, unable to tear his eyes away even as someone, Mei almost certainly, stood next to him. 

He thought he heard her say something, possibly an apology but the cotton in his ears and the static in his head made it impossible to remember or make out the words. Not that he cared, nothing else mattered except his kid in front of him. 

He only realized how terrified he'd been now that he was here, the journey nothing short of torture with worries about whether or not his kid was alive because he couldn't really know for sure until he saw it with his own eyes.

Tears pricked in the corners of his vision and he quickly sucked in a breath, ignoring the tightness of his chest as he ran his hand through his kid's messy hair, emotions so strong he couldn't even identify them properly. 

He blinked when he caught sight of some red as he smoothed out the hair that had fallen over MK's eyes, his bandanna no longer there to keep it up and he blinked twice as he looked at what could only be a ladybug, curled up in MK's hair. 

(He lives! Don't worry guys I'm not cruel enough to kill him off. Now you can all stop worrying and freaking out. Sorry for the wait and I hope you guys enjoyed, I certainly did, I really liked writing this chapter lol and I'll see you all next time!) 

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