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Wukong made it to the kitchen, knowing the layout well enough. He'd found a fruit basket but was displeased to not immediately see any peaches. For good measure, he looked through some of the cupboards too, despite knowing they wouldn't be kept in there if there were any until he finally admitted defeat with a sigh.    

"Looking for something?" A voice, one familiar, made Wukong jump, spinning around to the sight of quite likely the person he didn't want to run into the most. The Demon Bull King stood at the entrance, his great stature taking up the entirety of the doorway, and his face set into a hard expression that had Wukong gulping nervously. 

"You know me, just looking for some peaches." He tried to come across as casual, awkwardly trying to lean on the counter next to him to look more comfortable only to fumble a bit at the height of it and stand extremely awkwardly instead.

The demon didn't respond, walking further into the kitchen instead and opening a cupboard Wukong hadn't looked through, rooting around before pulling out a familiar bag of peach-flavored chips. 

"Here." The bag was tossed at him and he caught it, eyes staring down at the object before furrowing his eyebrows and looking back up at his indifferent ex-best friend, feeling confusion overrun the previous nerves. 

"You... remembered?" He asked, wondering exactly where he stood with the older, wondering exactly how much the other hated him. It couldn't have been as much as he'd thought originally if he was keeping Wukong's favorite foods in his house and offering them to him.  

Bull King gave him a look, something he couldn't decipher. He just knew it didn't have as much loathing and hatred as he'd expected. It was complicated though and Wukong had never been particularly good with emotions. 

"Of course I did. I don't just pretend like I don't know someone when it doesn't suit me." Unlike you, was heard loudly after that even though it wasn't said and Wukong winced. 

"I'm also incredibly loyal to people." He gave Wukong a pointed look and both of them once again heard the unspoken unlike you that seemed to echo in the now silent space. 

He rubbed the back of his neck, feeling awkward while something squirmed uncomfortably in his chest. 

"Listen I-" He paused, not finding the words.

"I didn't mean-" Why was it so hard to talk all of a sudden? Why had his mind gone blank? His claws fiddled with the bag of chips in his hands noisily. 

"I'm sorry. I didn't- I didn't understand then. I shouldn't have- I just- sorry." He looked up, thinking of the time in total he'd cost the family each other, thinking about if he had to spend that much time away from his own son. He'd have been mad at the person who caused it too. 

If he'd have just waited. Or if he had just never tried to steal from them in the first place. 

"I get it now." He explained and he did, he really did. He also knew that apologizing wouldn't help much, not in the grand scheme of things. DBK had missed out on his son's adolescence and it was because Sun Wukong himself wasn't as mature as he should have been back then. Wasn't as patient or caring. 

Worse is that later, Wukong had done the same thing to his once friend that had been done to him, shoving him under a mountain to rot even though that had been something Wukong himself had struggled with and hated. 

He had a long list of the things he'd done wrong to his once sworn brother. Most things he wasn't sure he could be forgiven for. Some he could, like when he deceived princess Iron fan and stole her fan, getting Bull King in trouble in the end, but that had just been the beginning of their fall-out. So many things had happened after that.

"I'm sorry." He told him again and he really meant it, hoping Bull King would see it too. 

Maybe he did, maybe he didn't, but the demon simply watched him for a moment before shrugging his words off. 

"I won't forgive you." He told Wukong but there was no spite in his tone and Wukong understood. 

"I know." He didn't really expect him to anyway. Bull King watched him again, eyes hard before he sighed, changing the subject completely. 

"I heard about what happened." His voice was almost compassionate. At the least, it was just understanding that made Wukong stare up at him as he continued. 

"For what it's worth, I hope you get your boy back." Wukong's brain stalled at that, blinking in surprise at the sincerity. It was worth more than the Bull King knew but he didn't say that. 

"Thanks." He managed out instead as his old friend left the room, turning around and leaving the other in the dark, silent kitchen with just his whirlwind of thoughts, his regrets, and a bag of peach chips. 

It was cold. He wasn't sure where he was, he couldn't remember clearly, his thoughts jumbled up. He remembered... his dad. Both his dad's. He missed them. Where was he? He was so cold. 

He remembered his dad telling him something but couldn't remember the words. 

Wracking his brain for an answer he remembered her. Panic flooded him as he thoughts about her, about her taking control of his body and dragging him back with her icy grip. 

What if... what if she'd hurt someone? He couldn't remember much after that, feeling tired, exhausted, and cold and it felt like he'd squeezed his eyes shut tightly as soon as he'd been too scared, not wanting to see what was happening, not wanting to have to watch when she hurt the people he loved. 

"Too scared to look?" A voice, her voice laughed out and he forced the panic down, wishing he could run.

He couldn't hear anything other than a slight ringing in his ears that made him want to cry and her voice, which made him want to scream. 

"Pathetic." He thought he heard something say and he curled into himself tighter, feeling like he had when he was a child, curled up on the floor in his closet hiding from his foster parents. 

He just wanted to go home. He just wanted his dads.  

"Weak and useless." The voice hissed out again in his ear and he shook his head, feeling himself tremble as he muffled a sob into his knees. He was just so cold. 

How long had he been like this? It felt like it had just been a second and an entire eternity at the same time. He couldn't tell. Was everyone else dead or had they just abandoned him? Left him again like before. 

He remembered seeing his dad and now he was by himself, alone and cold and hurting so perhaps he had been abandoned. Maybe he'd finally seen what a burden he was and left him here to rot. 

Alone and by himself MK shivered. The cold tearing at his chest and burning his heart.

He just wanted to go home.

(Thought we'd peak a little into poor MK's situation. He's not having a good time, poor baby. I hope you guys enjoyed today's chapter! It was hard to write, I've been crocheting all day so my fingers are pretty numb and stiff and typing is not fun but I did want to get this done so it's all good. 

Anyway, let me know what you thought and I'll see you guys soon! I really appreciate a lot of the really nice comments I've been getting, you guys are the best <3 so I hope you all have a good day and thank you so much!) 

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