Zero left

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He rushed out of the room, skidding into Macaque's room and slamming the door open, his heart pounding in his chest. He hadn't even gone that far but somehow he still felt out of breath as he stopped, eyes searching then landing on a Macaque who looked startled at the intrusion, sat lotus style in the middle of the room. 

Before he could ask the obviously panicked boy what was wrong MK gasped out,

"I need your help," sounding desperate and shaken. 

Macaque stood up immediately, walking towards his child and keeping his voice calm even though he was biting down on worry. 

"Kid, what's wrong?" He asked and MK shook his head, swallowing. 

"It's Monkey King! He's in danger, we have to help. I talked to him and he was acting weird and I think he's in trouble and we have to do something because he looked hurt and what if she gets him or something or-" 

MK stopped when Macaque grabbed his hands, holding them firmly as MK sucked in a breath, realizing he was hyperventilating and quickly taking in a gulp of air. 

"MK. Calm down. Take deep breathes." MK did as told, listening along to Macaque's exaggerated, deep breathing and copying it himself as his heart slowly stopped threatening to explode in his chest. 

"Okay, good, good. Now tell me what's going on calmly." More grounded now MK nodded, taking in a few more gulps of air before trying again, this time slower. 

"I talked to Monkey king and I saw- he's hurt!" Tears welled up in his eyes and he fought them away, legs unstable. It was a good thing Macaque was holding him so steadily or else MK was sure he would have fallen. 

"It's her. It's the Lady Bone Demon. I think she's got him." He all but wailed out, voice choking on the sound of her name while Macaque's eyes widened. He was alarmed, his own chest tight with dread that he hid well. 

"MK, are you sure?" He asked, eyes locking onto MK's wet ones and MK nodded slowly, sniffling. 

"Mhmm." He confirmed, finding it hard to vocalize any words. 

There was still worry and adrenaline and dread skipping through his veins but somehow, with his dad holding his hands securely, so close to him, he was starting to feel more worn out and tired. Smaller but safer somehow.

His dad nodded, looking thoughtful as he took a deep breath in, his thumbs rubbing circles onto MK's paws. 

"Okay, okay. It's going to be okay." He looked MK in the eye, face resolute. 

"I'm going to go after him, okay? You stay here where it's safe-" MK opened his mouth to immediately protest but Macaque gripped his shoulders, expression resolute. 

"No. You have to stay here, okay? I'll be okay. I'll bring him back, I promise." MK still hated the idea, the words not as reassuring as they should have been but still, he looked up at Macaque, useless.

"Promise?" He managed out instead, hating how pathetic he sounded and seeking childish reassurance all the same. 

Macaque nodded, unwavering. 

"I promise." 

For a moment MK wanted to believe him, wanted to cling to the idea of a parent that never lied, and yet he knew all too well the times adults had lied to him, their words empty and meaningless. Every promise that had ever been given to him had ended up the same and despite this, somehow, he still wanted to believe that this time, this time someone was telling the truth.

Gods he hoped Macaque wasn't lying.  

He nodded, voice small. 

"Okay." It was as close to acceptance as he was going to get and Macaque nodded, stepping away before pausing again. 

When MK went to ask what was wrong he suddenly found himself being pulled into a hug, the grip tight and warm and comforting and MK immediately sagged into it, holding on just as tight as his dad was.   

"Love you, kid," Macaque mumbled out into his shoulder and MK felt more tears spring to his eyes, burying his face deeper into Macaque's fur. 

"Love you too." He said, the sound muffled by the person his face was smushed into but Macaque heard it all the same.  

Eventually, Macaque pulled away and MK quickly wiped his wet eyes, taking a deep, steadying breath as he tried to get his nerves back that he'd somehow lost earlier. He felt ridiculous now at how easily he'd fallen apart only minutes earlier but pushed the self scolding away to focus on more important things. 

"I'll be back before you know it," Macaque told him as a goodbye and MK nodded, having to grab his own arm to make sure he didn't grab Macaque and ask him not to leave. 

He had to be strong. He had to be brave. Everything would be fine. It had to be. 

"You'll be able to find him, right?" MK asked worriedly as Macaque grinned what he hoped was a confident grin, flicking his ears softly. 

"Of course, kid? Who do you think I am? I hear everything remember? I already know where he is." He assured and MK couldn't argue with that, questions still brimming in his head that he bit down on his tongue to avoid asking. 

Now having answered MK's question Macaque turned to leave and MK instinctively reached out a hand, taking a step forward. 

"No!" He sounded desperate, quickly stepping back and looking away. 

"Uh, I just... good luck. Not that you'll need it I'm sure but I just- Come back soon, okay?" He knew it was silly. He knew he was being clingy and dramatic and drawing things out off proportion and yet the thought of another parent leaving him had his stomach churning and his heart aching. 

Macaque ruffled his hair, trying hard to keep things light and reassure a visibly unsettled MK that he was going to be fine. He didn't believe that himself though.  

"Course I will, Kid. I'll be back before you know it." And with that he was gone, bleeding into the shadow on the wall and flickering out of sight. 

In that room, alone, MK stood watching the wall with his heartbeat loud in his chest. 

He hoped they'd be okay.      

(Heya, hope you guys enjoyed! I'm away but I've still got time to write so here's this very unnecessarily angsty chapter. Watching Macaque be affectionate to MK is my favorite thing and I will never tire of it. 

I'll see you guys soon, let me know your thoughts, and have a great day!)

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