Adoring You

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After saying goodbye to and promising to visit Tang and Pigsy MK was practically dragged out of the shop by his scruff by Macaque, Wukong hovering around him like he was liable to disappear again at any moment.

MK's nerves skyrocketed as they rode Wukong's cloud back to Flower Fruit Mountain in relative silence, feeling guilty and uncomfortable the whole way there as he pulled his tail in front of him and twisted it anxiously.

"Stop that, you're hurting yourself." Macaque scolded as he gently tugged MK's twisting fingers away from his tail, only noticing the dull pain from where his nails had been digging in now that it had been pointed out.

"Sorry." He murmured out, struggling now that he didn't have anything to distract him and Macaque sighed, reaching into his pockets and pulling out a small string of elastic that had different beads on it.

"Here, fiddle with that." He told him, handing MK the object who looked at it with wide eyes, thumbs running over the smooth texture, and finding that the distraction helped as he fiddled with it. He tried not to think about why Macaque had this and was a little miffed at the thought that maybe Macaque had the same problem with needing something for his hands to do as MK did when his thoughts ran rampant.

"Thanks." He muttered, taking in a deep breath and letting himself focus just on the beads for the rest of the trip, listening to the clack they made when he pulled them apart and let them snap back together.

He'd only been gone a little less than half an hour in total and yet when Flower Fruit Mountain came into view MK perked up, clambering off the cloud the moment he was close enough to the ground to do so.

Wukong was close behind, the immortals tail wrapping around MK's arm and when he blinked up in confusion he saw that Wukong wasn't even looking at him and probably hadn't even noticed he'd done so. A small burst of warmth bloomed in his chest at the unconscious show of affection. He let him lead MK up the hill, walking inside their little house and doing as told when Wukong sat him down on the couch, tail letting go as he sat down next to him, eyes glancing at Macaque who stood in front of the two with crossed arms.

MK flicked his gaze back down and didn't look up from the beads even as Macaque sighed, sounding tired and making him feel even more guilty and awful. If only he had just not cared so much about the stupid popcorn. He realized with pitiful shame that he hadn't even brought the bag back with him, and had left it on the table at Pigsy's so it really had all been for absolutely nothing.

He hoped this wasn't when they realized MK was broken and no good and started resenting him just like the other guardians in his life.

"I'll make us some tea before we start. Want any, Wukong?" Macaque asked and the immortal nodded, thanking the other with soft eyes as he shuffled closer to his kid, letting his hand run through his fur soothingly as MK leaned into his touch. He leaned into the soothing action as they waited for Macaque to get back, listening as he boiled water and made tea before walking back in with two mugs in one hand and one in the other. He handed one to Wukong and then one to MK who took it gratefully even though he wasn't really in the mood for tea before sitting down on the other side of him.

It was nice to have the warmth pooling into his palms though so he simply cupped the mug harder and blew on it in hopes of cooling it down so he could sip at it.

"I don't even want to know how you managed to get across the ocean so quickly but do you have any idea how worried you Baba and I were, MK? When we realized you were missing we thought someone had taken you. What in Buddah's name made you think it was a good idea to leave the island without telling anyone?" Macaque asked and MK winced, shame flooding him as he looked into his tea, watching it ripple as his hands trembled.

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