Quicker Transportation

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When MK woke up from his nap it was to find a monkey very close to his face, hearing it make a curious noise as he yelped, jerking backward away from the sudden animal in his space only to fall off the couch suddenly, wincing as he hit the floor loudly. 

The monkey moved away at the sound of the thud and the sudden movement, leaving MK to groan and lay his head back against the ground, his wound and stomach aching with the impact.

"MK? Are you okay in there, bud?" he heard Wukong call from somewhere else in the house, opening an eye to watch as he walked into the room, looking worried as his eyes found MK's figure on the ground before relaxing after realizing what had happened. 

"Ouch, you okay there? Not a very good wake-up call huh?" He chuckled sympathetically, walking over and picking him up with his tail before setting him back down on the couch where he sat up and rubbed at his eyes, still feeling a little sore. 

"Uh yeah. Thanks. What... time is it?" He asked, looking around the room just as Macaque walked in, looking a lot less annoyed than usual somehow.

"Just in time, kid. Those pies have cooled by now. We were waiting for you." He explained with a strangely relaxed stance and MK blinked, remembering the pies and jumping up.

"Oh! Yeah, I forgot. I can't wait to try them!" He yelled, rushing to get to the kitchen only to trip on the blanket swamping him and go crashing down to the ground. He winced, expecting to find his face on the floor for the second time already but Wukong caught him again with his tail, grinning as he set him back on his feet. 

"I can tell, try not to give yourself a concussion before you get to try them though. I can't wait to see how they came out!" Baba cheered, following after MK as he darted out of the room to find the pies waiting on the kitchen table, rushing about to get plates and cutlery. 

Once he was done he sat down, letting Macaque cut slices out of the pies as Wukong immediately went to try their peach one with an enthusiastic and large bite. 

"Mmm, this is delicious! We did a great job kiddo." He praised, taking another huge bite and MK grabbed his own piece, excited to try it too and delighted when it tasted just as good as he'd hoped it would. 

"Wow, you're right, that is good!" He agreed, closing his eyes and enjoying the sweetness until Macaque sat down next to Wukong, grabbing a fork and stealing some of the immortal's slice. 

"Hey! Get your own!" Wukong huffed but didn't move to stop him curiously enough and Macaque grinned.

"What? I've gotta have something to compare mine to. Besides, you've got plenty left." He scoffed but it came out soft and fond and MK's ears perked up, swiveling his gaze from his pie right to his dad's with unconcealed glee and surprise. 

He watched as Macaque tried their peach pie, shrugging at the taste but moving to get a slice of his own pie anyway.

"Not bad, peaches. Especially for you." He teased but all MK could hear was that his dad had practically complimented Baba. He'd been sure they'd be arguing over whose was the best by now, that Macaque would not even bother trying Wukong's out of principle. 

"You think it's great!" Wukong sang, leaning in close as Macaque shoved him off, rolling his eyes. 

"I didn't say that-" He started,  

"but you were thinking it." Wukong finished, utterly boastful as Macaque grabbed his own pie and pulled it closer, taking a slice and putting it on his plate. He took a bite, pleased at the taste as he started grinning and took another.

"Let me try!" Wukong cheered, taking his fork and stealing some right off Macaque's plate who, much to MK's bewilderment, didn't stop him. Wukong hummed at the taste, enjoying it even as he clutched his peach pie in closer. 

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