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Somewhere during the cooking process, MK and Mei had managed to get flour on themselves and their clothes and were shooed out of the kitchen to get cleaned up once they'd eaten their spoils. 

MK had a fairly quick shower, scrubbing off the flour before drying himself with his towel and putting a clean set of clothes on. They were still the same ones as before since he had two shirts and trousers but his jacket he had to forgo, putting it in the wash with his and Mei's dirty clothes.  

Next time, he'd have to remember to take it off before cooking. 

"What took you so long?" Mei asked once he walked into the living room again, ready to play more video games and MK shrugged, sitting down next to her cross-legged. 

"I have more hair than you do so it takes longer to wash." He explained, gesturing to his fur and Mei made an 'o' shape with her mouth, nodding. 

"Do you ever miss your human form?" She asked, curious and MK immediately knew the answer, shaking his head. 

"No way. I can't explain it but I just never felt right before. It was like wearing a jacket that was too small if you know what I mean. And I can hear things way better like this which is really cool!" He explained, voice loud with excitement and Mei grinned at him, a bright, happy smile. 

"That is really cool! How far can you hear anyways? Is there a limit? Can you hear what's going on in another room right now?" MK tilted his head at the questions, having never tested it before. He knew from experience that he could make out voices from downstairs when he was in his room upstairs. 

"I dunno, Lemme try." He closed his eyes to concentrate better, ears twitching as he stuck his tongue out slightly. Faintly he could hear Pigsy in the kitchen, talking lowly to what MK could only assume was Tang. He strained harder, picking out the individual words.

"-understand, I'm worried too. Who knows if he'll even come back in time." MK felt his heart sink, Tang's reply low and considerate. 

"I know. The most you can do is be there for him though." There was the sound of moving and then- 

"The most we can do. I'm here for you, always." It sounded intimate and MK immediately flung his eyes open, face heating a bright red as he forced himself to zone out from their voices, purposefully not listening anymore. He felt bad like he'd done something he shouldn't have by spying on what was clearly not meant for his ears. 

"Well? What could you hear?" She asked, absolutely excited and MK  avoided eye contact, rubbing the back of his head nervously. 

"Hmm, not too much, I could hear Pigsy's voice but I couldn't make out what he was saying." He lied and Mei pouted. 

"Aww, we totally could have used it to spy on everyone! That would have been the best for pranks. We would have been secret ninjas." MK gave a forced laugh, making himself also look disappointed while his mind was still thinking about what he'd heard. He hadn't known they'd been worried as well. They always seemed so... okay with everything. 

"Yeah, it's too bad." He scuffed his foot on the floor before looking around the room, eyes stopping at the TV. 

"Hey! We should ask Sandy if there are any other games on board. I wonder if Macaque could get us a few as well. It would be nice to play something else." That got Mei's attention, her eyes lighting up. 

"Yes! Like Monkey Mech!" MK felt his own excitement bubble up at the familiar game, nodding enthusiastically. 

"Yes! Exactly! Let's go." They raced out of the room, making it into an actual race to see who could get to Sandy first and MK used his ears to figure out where the other was, hearing him humming from the bridge and heading straight there, making it before Mei who didn't know where she was going. 

"Yes! I win!" He grinned happily as he skidded to a stop, not stopping quick enough and slamming into Sandy's back who turned around and beamed. 

"Oh hey MK, Mei! What can I do for you two?" MK looked at the wrench in the larger man's hand and wondered what he was trying to fix. 

"We were looking for more video games, do you have any?" MK asked loudly and Sandy put a hand on his chin, thinking. 

"Hmm, I'm not sure. If I had any they'd been in one of the cupboards in the storage room off the living room. You should check there." MK nodded and thanked him, Mei grabbing his arm and pulling him along back to the living room where they noticed a side door they hadn't noticed before. 

MK flung the door open, eyes widening as a pile of things that had been against the door fell down on top of him, burying him in a collection of random junk. Mei stood out the way when it fell, looking down at MK who was trapped on the floor and scanning over the clutter. 

"Yeesh. You'd think he'd want to clean up around here every once in a while." She grimaced, picking up a cat brush filled with cat hair and tossing it to the side. MK thought it was ironic considering how messy Mei's own room was. 

Well. It wasn't this bad though. 

He dug himself out of the pile by bursting free, sending objects flying as he clapped his hands together. 

"Let's get looking!" He dove headfirst into the room, getting lost amongst the items as Mei started looking through the things closest to the door. She seemed content leaving the heavy-duty work to MK who also didn't mind worming his way through the clutter and shoving things around to try and find what he was looking for. 

Mei was content mostly watching, picking up, and inspecting anything interesting MK tossed her way and setting anything useful aside that they might want to keep. 

Every now and then she'd find something she didn't recognize, tilting her head at strange items and asking out loud what they could be. MK would immerge from underneath the pile in the storage room, head popping out as he's look over what she was holding, and began trying to guess what it was or what it did, throwing out more obscure, random suggestions every time. 

They made a game of the whole thing, laughing and having fun and at some point MK had mostly stopped looking for games, instead yeeting anything interesting at Mei and talking about that instead. 

(There hasn't been enough Mei and MK friendship in this so far and I'm rectifying that because Mei is the number one best friend and deserves screen time... word count? 

Is this and the next couple chapters the calm before the storm? Maybe. Who knows, I might even just leave our traumatized boy alone. Probably not though, mwahaha.  Anyways, hope you enjoyed and as always I'll see you soon!)

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