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For a second it was all he could see, red bleeding over his best friend who was underneath him, red staining her clothes, and then she moved, her own eyes meeting his and widening with fear. 

"MK." She choked out his name, gasping as he scanned over her, looking for the injury but somehow not finding it. 

Then where was the blood coming from? It was on her clothes, dripping from above and- oh. Oh. 

That was coming from him. 

He realized it with a sort of detached feeling, eyes staring down at the ice in his chest, poking out like it had gone right through him, red blood dripping off the end like water. 

It was almost pretty, he thought, head filled with static and cotton and- oh. Oh. There was the pain.    

Mei caught him when he fell, legs giving out beneath him and he thought maybe he'd heard her say something but the agony was roaring in his ears and his vision felt like a camera out of focus. It hurt. It hurt so bad, and his whole lungs were burning every time he drew in a breath, his mouth filled with the taste of iron.

"MK!" He heard his name and blinked, something wet dripping down his face as his vision slipped back into focus for a second, finding the sight of Mei above him and all he could think was thank Buddha it wasn't her that was hurt until someone else pushed into his vision, someone with familiar markings and wide eyes.

"No, no, no, no, no, kid! Come on look at me, you're gonna be okay, you hear me. It's all gonna be okay. It's okay. You're okay." His baba took him from Mei, ripping the sleeves off of his arms and placing them over the growing stain that was growing bigger by the second.   

"You're okay, I've got you. Stay awake, okay MK? Just please stay awake." But MK couldn't help the way tiredness dragged him down, suffocating him as his vision went blank all over again. He tried to take in a breath but it hurt like lava and cole was in his lungs. 

He just wanted to sleep. 

They'd been winning. Wukong had felt, even if just for a moment, so confident that they were going to win. Macaque was next to him, fighting so easily alongside him that it was like they'd done this a thousand times before. Which they actually had.  

He'd watched as Macaque managed to get the rope around her, silently grinning at their victory as the Bone Demon started screeching and yelling, clearly panicking. He'd thought at that moment that she'd known they would win too.

Then her blue ice exploded into the ground beneath them, heading straight towards Macaque and the hand that was holding the rope. Wukong hadn't had time to do much but reach for him before being flung back by the blast too.   

He was on his back when he gained his bearings, his ears ringing as he coughed into the cloud of dust around him, disorientated and worried. 

"Macaque?" He remembered calling out, his heart racing in his chest as he stumbled to his feet, frantically searching the area around him. 

The moment he saw the figure on the ground his heart stopped, dropping into his stomach as he made his way over, inwardly collapsing. 

They'd won, hadn't they? He'd thought they had. How could this have happened? It wasn't fair. 

When he got close enough to the figure on the ground he could finally see him and in that moment it felt like his world had broken around him, unable to understand what he was seeing. 

There was so much blood. 

Macaque was laid facing away from him so Wukong couldn't see his face but he was scared to look anyway, knowing by the stillness in his partner's body and the lack of rising of his chest that he was... was... 

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