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Mei blinked as it opened, looking back at the scroll curiously while everyone else in the room froze. Mei didn't seem particularly worried about the opened scroll but then why would she? She, like MK, had no idea what it did. 

Ink, black and thick dripped down from the scroll suddenly, pouring out in clumps and Mei scrunched her nose up, dropping the thing as it clattered to the floor noisily, a puddle of ink growing around it while it glowed a faint blue. 

"Eww." The girl grimaced in disgust, taking a step away from the growing puddle of black so she didn't get any on her shoes. 

MK turned in Baba's arms so he could see better, eyes wide and watching as the goop on the floor rose somehow, gaining shape and dripping as three figures that looked like soldiers with glowing blue eyes emerged from the puddle, lanky and tumbling into each other to twist into something else, building up into a tall figure that loomed high about Mei, its shape becoming something familiar. 


"DBK?" MK and Red both spoke at the same time, tones equally confused as the voice of the demon roared through the room.

"Failure! Traitor!" MK's eyes were on the monster until he caught sight of Red Son, who was staring up at it with horrified eyes and shaking hands. With a growl and glowing eyes, the black figure slammed his hands down onto Mei, the girl yelling only to be tackled by Macaque at the last second, ink DBK's hands crushing into the floor instead. 

Shoving an arm out protectively so Mei was behind him Macaque stood his ground, tail lashing out as a stone dropped in MK's stomach, reaching out a hand towards his dad worriedly. 

"W-what's going on? What is that thing?" MK asked in quick succession, Wukong not moving as he gripped MK, his own gaze stuck onto the creature. 

The thing twisted around, briefly turning into Princess Iron Fan and then MK heard a giggle, the sound of that voice sending shivers down his spine because that voice he knew all too well, horror bubbling inside his chest as he fought the urge to clamp his hands over his ears but, to his relief, the figure changed into someone MK didn't recognize with a long spear held high and a ribbon curling around their shoulders, wearing a tunic that reminded MK of a lotus shape. 

Macaque held a hand out defensively, protecting the girl behind him as the spear struck down, a voice MK didn't recognize echoing from the creature.

"Monkey no violence!" He heard Wukong's breathing hitch. 

"NO!" MK flinched as Baba yelled out, a hand reaching forwards as the spear struck down, and Macaque pushed Mei away from it as it crashed down, a small dust cloud obscuring MK's vision for just a second. 

It settled and MK could see Mei on her butt, staring at Macaque with wide, horrified eyes as the guy winced, going down onto one knee with his hand on his chest. 

"Damn." He pulled his hand away and it was black. Black like ink and dark as can be and MK watched, terror racing through his mind as that black spread across his dad's body, reaching out from his chest to the rest of him like a plague. 

"Macaque!" Wukong finally moved. 

Before MK knew what was happening he'd been set on his feet, too confused to argue because Baba was already gone, racing away towards Macaque in the blink of an eye, wind hitting the walls from his speed as he was left behind.    

"Wait-" MK reached out a hand, terror coursing through his veins as he watched Baba run right toward the danger, diving for Macaque just as the demon was consumed by the blackness and sunk into the ink puddle, leaving the immortal grasping at nothing as he landed on his knees.

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