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With Red Son and Mei training together, the two had forgotten about breakfast and spent most of the early afternoon training. Both were intense people in their own ways and the deck they were sparing on had a lot of cosmetic damage done to it by the time Mei realized she hadn't had breakfast or lunch yet and was actually getting very hungry. 

"I'm gonna go get something to eat, you coming with?" She asked Red Son, who shrugged his shoulders but followed after her anyways when she started leaving. 

The kitchen, in contrast to before, was empty now and Mei went about looking in the fridge, picking out snacks, and munching on those in favor of actually making herself something.  

"Disgusting, have you no class? That's not a suitable lunch." He immediately huffed out, scowling darkly at the girl who simply shrugged uncaringly in response. 

"Well I don't really like cooking sooo-" She went back to her food, taking another bite before Red Son huffed. 

"Your laziness is pitiful." He scorned and Mei raised an eyebrow at him. 

"Why don't you cook something then? If it bothers you that much." Red Son blinked at her, his hair letting off little pops of fire. 

"Why you-" Before he could insult her further Mei decided to cut in, her tone mischievous. 

"Or what? Are you too lazy to cook?" Parroting back his own previous insult did the trick and Red Son was immediately blinded by indignation, stomping over to the cupboard and immediately pulling out some pans. 

"I'll have you know that the son of the Bull King is never lazy! I'll cook you a meal so amazing you'll have to agree with my skills and prowess as your tastebuds explode from the sheer deliciousness of-" Mei cracked a small smile as he continued on, huffing angrily while he worked the whole time. 

He got so focused on cooking that he didn't spare Mei a glance and once she realized she wasn't being watched she felt the smile drop from her face, a heaviness in her heart returning with vengeance. 

The snacks she had been eating she slid to the side, no longer interested in food. How could she be, when MK was out there, probably scared, hurt, and alone. It wasn't likely that he was allowed to eat so what right did she have? 

Why was it that she seemed to crumble the moment she wasn't occupied with something else? Why couldn't she stop missing him?

Unwilling to start crying again or have Red Son poke at her she shoved those feelings down, glaring hatefully at the nearby chair instead. If- when they got MK back she was going to hit him for making her worry like this and then hug him so long her arms got pins and needles. 

It didn't take long for Red Son to finish cooking, making noodles that were so hot Mei's mouth felt like it was actually on fire and she had to chug down gallons of water, eyes watering all the while. 

"Honestly it's not that hot! It's not my fault your depressing, disappointing tastebuds can't handle real food." Red Son huffed, his arms crossed in offense, and Mei didn't even bother responding, too busy gulping down water which served to make Red Son even more offended. 

"Fine! Whatever! I'm leaving to get some actual work done and I'm taking this with me!" He yelled out, grabbing the pot of food and stomping out the door with it furiously leaving Mei behind, desperately trying to soothe the burn on her tongue. 

Feeling bothered and annoyed Red Son stomped all the way to his and MK's room, slamming the door open with narrowed, spiteful eyes and yelling- 

"Alright! You've been here all day! This is my room so you better get the hell ou- oh." The room was empty, no Macaque in sight and he immediately felt both stumped and stupid for talking to what had ended up as no one.  

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