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In the morning Macaque woke up warm and comfy. He realized he was lying on something soft before he vaguely registered that there was something rubbing relaxing circles into the fur on his back, the sound of rhythmic and soft breathing leaving something calming to listen right under his ears as he let himself drift off a little, staying on the cusp of wakefulness and sleep for as long as time would let him.

He hadn't felt this warm and comfortable in what felt like forever and it almost scared him how much he craved it now that he knew what it was like, how sweet and calm it was, how peaceful.

"You awake?" A soft voice murmured and it was accompanied by a hand combing through the fur on his shoulder and then trailing up to his head to fiddle gently with his ears. He leaned into the touch, slowly opening his eyes to find Wukong staring down at him with the softest expression he'd ever seen.

"Nope." He grinned, closing his eyes again and dropping his head back onto Wukong's chest. The immortal laughed, the vibration loud but soothing in Macaque's ears.

"So I guess you're just sleeptalking right now then, huh?" He teased and Macaque made a humming noise, enjoying how calm he felt.

"Exactly." Wukong huffed out an exasperatedly fond laugh and then they enjoyed peaceful silence for a while, neither having much of a desire to get up or move. They stayed that way in blissful comfort right up until Macaque heard MK wake up, listening to the kid get out of bed from the room next door before sighing and sitting up himself.

Wukong stopped fiddling with his ears when he moved, unaware that their kid was on his way to the living room.

"Oh, well good morning, nice of you to finally wake up." He said and Macaque sat up, ignoring Wukong's pout as he got out of bed.

"C'mon, I was comfy!" The immortal whined and Macaque grinned, leaning over as he listened to the sound of MK going towards the bedroom door.

"Yeah well, I want to win that bet so I was never here." He told him cryptically, then stepped backward and fell through the floor, catching the sight of Wukong's confused face as he disappeared from the room, pulling himself out of the shadows in the living room and onto the couch where he sat casually and listened as MK knocked on Wukong's bedroom door.

He listened to the conversation as Wukong answered and MK went inside, talking excitedly and asking about Macaque. It was funny listening to Wukong explain that he didn't know where Macaque was and hadn't seen him that morning at all, lying out his ass awkwardly as he shooed MK out of his room and followed after him.

They passed the living room and MK noticed him there, gasping and bounding in with a grin.

"Dad! Where've you been?" He asked curiously and Macaque smirked a little, feeling like being mischievous.

"What do you mean? I've been in here." He told him with an innocent-sounding tone, knowing full well that MK had checked the living room first and therefore knew he hadn't been in there.

"What? No, you weren't! I checked." He exclaimed and then shook his head as he dismissed it, clearly excited about something else.

"Anyway! You said you'd help me train!" He came over and tugged on Macaque's arm, trying to pull him up and in the direction of the front door.

"So c'mon, let's go!" She whined, tugging harder and Macaque rolled his eyes fondly.

"What, you don't even want to have breakfast first?" He asked and MK stopped pulling him, blinking like he'd forgotten about eating. Which was probably true. MK had a habit of forgetting to eat when there was something he was excited about distracting him.

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