Longer than you thought

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Everything hurt. He felt fuzzy and out of place, confusion twisting in his mind as seconds and minutes passed by. He felt like he should be worried, should be moving, running, getting away, and yet he couldn't even bring himself to move, eyes and ears not working.

He knew something was wrong, was sure something was wrong, but couldn't remember exactly what or how to open his eyes or what had happened. 

Eventually, he became aware of a soft sound, repetitive and steady beeping making him wonder where he was. 

He couldn't feel anything, not his legs or arms or anything at all but was too disorientated for panic to be able to set in. It wasn't this hard waking up normally, was it? Part of him just wanted to go back to sleep, to be pulled back into nothingness but then he heard something else, the sound of a murmur and it sounded familiar enough, even though he couldn't make out anything about it at all, that he didn't let the dark call him back. 

He wasn't sure how long he lay there, listening as the rhythmic beeping slowly became clearer, as he slowly started hearing his own breathing and feeling his fingers. 

He tried to move but nothing happened, his arms may as well have been made of cement from how hard it felt like he was having to drag them but still he couldn't even feel them twitch. 

He wanted to groan but didn't hear anything when he tried so it probably only happened in his head. In his head where he felt like he was trapped, unable to move his body or do anything. For some reason, that thought scared him. It terrified him in a familiar way like it was a feeling he knew but couldn't remember how. 

He wanted to sigh as he kept trying to move his left hand, the one that he could feel the most, sure he'd never get himself to move at all at this rate until finally, he felt it twitch just the smallest bit. 

It was tiny, so small it could bearly be passed off as moving but it still made him inwardly cheer, feeling envigorated to keep trying against the weights dragging him down. In his joy, he thought he heard the beeping change pace ever so slightly. It was only a little bit faster than it had been before and it was only because he'd been listening to it for so long that he actually noticed it. 

He realized as he managed to get his finger to twitch again that there was something in his hand, something putting pressure on it, something warm and soft. He only noticed because it had gone stiff that second time he'd moved and something else must have happened because just afterward he thought he heard something else. 

It had just been one word and it must have been quiet because he couldn't make it out at all yet it still made his chest feel warmer which didn't make any sense, he didn't even know who had spoken. 

He tried to move again or make a noise and it must have worked because this time he actually heard when the person spoke again. 

"-hear me, kid?" He made out past the beeping and the fuzz over his ears, noises sounding muffled as though he had cotton in all four of his ears.

He couldn't manage to respond but he did have better luck opening his eyes. They were heavy and it took a herculean effort to pull them open only to immediately be snapping them closed again due to the onslaught of painfully bright light burning his eyes. 

He grunted at the way his head ached at the light, keeping his eyes closed for a while longer and focusing instead on the sudden movement around him. Whatever had been holding his hand had tightened its grip and when he focused he could feel another hand higher up on his wrist, rubbing circles in a motion that was more comforting than it had any right to be. 

He let himself feel warm for a moment, heart fluttering happily with the attention before noticing the voice that was murmuring things to him softly.

His dads' voice was calm and smooth as he listened to it, gripping his hand back as soon he managed to get the muscles in his hand to work. 

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