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The silence on board the boat was... uncomfortable. Everyone was on edge as those who had stayed behind asked about what had happened to the group that was smaller than they'd left with.

The moment Pigsy caught sight of the Demon Demon he was seething, glaring down at her before demanding Macaque tell him where MK was the moment he realized he was missing from the group.

In his head, he noticed that Wukong was gone too but he didn't care about him, he only cared about MK and Mei. 

Mei, who looked like she'd seen a ghost. As soon as he saw her he could tell that she was hurting. Her eyes were wide and glossy as she stared unseeingly in front of her, hands and arms trembling like she didn't know what to do with herself and was trying to hide.

But then there was Macaque's stupid look at his question about MK and he didn't know who he needed to talk to first. He didn't have to make the decision because Macaque, surprisingly, looked towards Mei and Red Son, ears twitching. 

"Actually, they might be able to give you a better account than me. I was... out for a bit." He admitted, wincing at the way his head pounded painfully. 

Pigsy stared at him, unimpressed. 

"Right. Why don't you get cleaned up and put her somewhere I can't see her while I take care of the kids." He suggested but it wasn't really a suggestion. Luckily, Sandy helped out before Macaque could argue against the command, taking the Bone Demon off his hands while Macaque himself left to take care of his injuries, walking slowly and stiffly.

Now alone with the kids, Pigsy turned to look at Mei, hiding his concern at her pale face and finally asking, 

"are both of you okay? Are either of you hurt?" Red Son blinked in surprise at being included in that, pointing to himself like he was confused before quickly brushing the emotion away and pushing excitement instead. 

"I'm fine! Not a scratch, as if that pathetic demon could hurt me." He boasted but it fell flat when he glanced over at Mei afterward and saw her face.

"Mei?" Pigsy had to prompt and she hugged her arms, her bangs covering her eyes as she tilted her head downwards. 

"No I'm- I'm fine." The thing about Mei was that she was always trying to be confident, always trying not to let anything get to her so to see her like this now was worrying.    

"Good. That's good," and though he felt guilty for asking, he needed to know. 

"Do either of you want to tell me what happened out there then?" It was lucky for Mei that Red Son started, though whether he'd done that on purpose was for him alone to know. 

"Well first off the plan immediately fell apart so naturally, we had to fight, and then we managed to get monkey boy free from the Bone Demon by sticking him in the gourd. At some point, Mei went to go get the rope and that infernal demon got ahold of the gourd and broke it. Monkey boy and I stayed away from the fighting until Macaque stupidly got himself hurt and then Monkey King became completely and utterly useless. Monkey boy fought her though and Mei came back and I helped and we were winning! Absolutely kicking her ass, it was pretty cool and due to my involvement no doubt, and then-"   

He paused, the grin falling from his face as all the energy slipped out of him, his eyes losing focus like he was looking at something else. 

"Then MK had her down on the ground and we were... we were so close but- but she-" 

Neither noticed the first time Red Son used MK's actual name but it was like he didn't know how to continue and it was both a blessing and a shock when Mei grit out,

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