Energy spent

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MK had wanted to talk to Monkey King for as long as he could, forever actually if he was allowed but eventually, Monkey King had to go and MK waved with a bright smile, saying loud goodbyes before the golden image of Monkey King faded from view. 

As soon as it did MK's smile became more visibly strained and it eventually faded into a frown. As quickly as it appeared he shook his head and was smiling again, turning around and hoping no one saw his worried frown. Well, specifically Mei since Macaque had left halfway through. 

"Alright, Mei! You ready for more pranks? We'll catch Dad off guard eventually!" He said and began walking out the room, Mei staring at where he'd been talking to Monkey King with a skeptical frown on her face. 

"I have no idea what just happened and have never been more confused in my life." She stated with a deadpan tone before walking out after MK, ignoring the strange one-sided conversation she'd just watched her friend have. 

If that had happened a few months prior she probably would have been seeking him mental help or something, as it was she just had to accept that this was her new reality. 

They tried to prank Macaque the rest of the whole day, never succeeding, and eventually, at about nine at night they both gave up on ever pranking him, admitting defeat as they said goodnight to everyone else and began walking to MK's room, sulking about their failure.

"MK!" Mei didn't take long to get interested in something else, grabbing and shaking him suddenly. 

"Let's have a sleepover!" She suggested and MK immediately jumped up, grinning ear to ear at the idea. 

"Yeah! Absolutely, let's do it. OH, and we can rewatch monkey cop together and eat sweets." Mei nodded enthusiastically at him, picking her friend up and tucking him under the arm like he was a bag as she carried him into her room, dropping him on the bed like he was a sack of potatoes.

"This is gonna be the best sleepover EVER!" She yelled, grinning like a maniac before flopping onto the bed next to him.

"Wait, what about the snacks?" MK asked, tilting his head up so he could look at her and Mei smirked knowingly. 

"Oh my sweet boy, you have much to learn." She said, putting on an old, wise voice before reaching the draw in the nightstand next to her bed and pulling it open, letting MK see that it was filled to the brim with sweets and snacks. 

"Aw yes!" He pumped a fist in the air and Mei giggled, grabbing a few different things out and throwing them at him. 

"You're best, Mei!" He cheered under the pile of food and Mei nodded like she already knew that, picking up the remote on the desk and turning the TV on. 

"Monkey King marathon here we come!" They giggled and laughed and threw food at each other every once in a while for at least two hours, it wasn't till a shadow suddenly appeared in the doorway that MK and Mei fell silent. 

"Dad! Hi!" MK grinned up wildly at Macaque who was standing in the doorway, his arms crossed with a content expression on his face.

"Hey, Mr Macaque." Mei waved at the older and Macaque raised an eyebrow at them both, looking unimpressed. 

"Are either of you aware of the time? I could have sworn you were supposed to be in bed and asleep by midnight every night." He glanced over at the clock on the wall, giving it a nod, and both the kids cringed at the time. It was well past three in the morning.

"Oops," MK said, sounding guilty and Macaque smirked. 

"Yeah, oops indeed. Now come on, you both need to go to bed. No one's going to get any sleep with the noise you two make." Mei sniggered, obviously impressed with herself and MK apologized, promising they'd go to bed now. 

Macaque took their word for it and left, leaving MK and Mei turning off the TV and putting the snacks away before sneaking out the room to brush their teeth and get into their PJs as quietly as possible. They probably weren't all that quiet about it but no one came out of their rooms to tell them off so they figured they couldn't have been too loud. 

By the time they were done they weren't feeling all that sleepy, snuggling into Mei's bed and whispering to each other as quietly as they could. At first, they were quiet but at some point the whispered turned slowly into talking and then loud talking that neither of them had noticed.

Obviously, Macaque had because MK heard footsteps coming towards their room and quickly shushed Mei, closing his eyes and pretending to be asleep.    

"Seriously? I'm not even going to get into how I literally heard you talking a few seconds ago. Just go to bed you two. You'll be tired tomorrow otherwise." He sounded tired and MK felt bad about keeping him up. 

"Sorry." He murmured even though part of him instinctually wanted to still keep up the pretense of being asleep. 

Macaque gave a sigh but it sounded more soft than exasperated, and though MK kept his eyes shut, he certainly felt it when Macaque leaned over and ruffled the top of his head. 

"You're a good kid." He said, mostly to himself but MK couldn't help the worm of pride that burst in his chest, making him lean into his Dad's touch. 

"But if you don't go to sleep I'm seriously going to throw you both into the ocean." He deadpanned almost immediately afterward and Mei held in a giggle at how tired he sounded, MK bitting him lip in guilt and silently promising to himself that he'd actually go to bed now. 

This time when he left MK and Mei did go to sleep, both of them finally drifting off at some point later. 

MK was used to running on little sleep, remembering busy weeks when he was being trained by both Macaque and Monkey King as well as having a job and living off of only four hours a night so when morning came he was fine, slightly groggy and if he'd fought someone he'd have been half a second slower in his reaction times but other then that he was good. 

Mei on the other hand never dealt well with late nights, sleeping in till noon the next day before being woken up by how loud everyone was being come lunchtime. She slugged into the kitchen, still in her PJs with messy hair and MK brightened at the sight of her, having left her to sleep in. 

"Mei! You're up!" He grinned, rushing over to hand his friend a mug of coffee that she quickly downed, closing her eyes and humming in contentment before cracking them open again and smiling at him. 

"Thanks, MK." She said gratefully, now looking more coherent and less like a zombie and MK nodded, his smile bright and blinding. 

"No problem, Mei! Now let's go play some games." He grabbed her arm and went to rush them both out of the room when Macaque seemed to materialize from nowhere, grabbing MK around his waist with his tail and pulling him back.   

"Ah, ah, ah. Don't think I'm going to let you do nothing but video games and fun until Wukong is back. You should be taking this time to train and keep your stamina up." He chided and MK pouted, crossing his arms. 

"But we can't leave! There's nowhere for me to train!" He complained loudly and Macaque shook his head, 

"Well, then you clearly haven't been paying attention to your surroundings. This is a big boat, MK. There is plenty of room to train." MK didn't want to break anything though, especially not when Sandy had been kind enough to let them stay here.

"But-" He went to say and Macaque held up a hand to cut him off. 

"No buts, we'll start now and maybe then we'll get rid of some of that excess energy that had you waking me up late at night." He mumbled the last part and MK's face tinted a rosy pink in embarrassment, pouting as he followed Macaque out of the room. 

Mei gave him a pitying look as he left and as he walked out the doorway he reached out his hand behind him, mouthing 'save me' as he left while Mei giggled at his theatrics. 

(Hey, hey! Sorry for being inconsistent with my updating. Some things happened last week in my personal life and it was pretty emotionally draining so I haven't had the energy to write at all. I'm feeling much better now though so I will try my best to update regularly again! Hope you're all doing well and I'll see you again soon.) 

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