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"After all, you have something I want and I have something you want." 

The sentence shocked MK into silence, his mind screeching to a halt. He didn't understand what she was getting at. What could he possibly have that she would- Oh. 

He looked down at the staff in his hands, the surface reflecting some of the golden glow of his eyes and making the weapon appear even more godly and powerful.

She smirked at seeing his realization and Macaque must have caught on too because he frowned. 

"No way, MK don't-" 

But there was never any choice for MK. 

"Okay. You can have what you want. Just release my dad." 

"It's not worth it, kid!" His dad huffed in an attempt to dissuade him but for MK this was the only thing he could do. 

Besides, with his dad free they could get Monkey King and take the staff back. It was never more important than either of them. 

The Bone Demon held out her hand but didn't move and MK walked slowly towards her, Macaque telling him not to the whole time, voice getting louder and more panicked until he was within arms reach and that was when he stopped. 

MK stared at the staff, anxiety blooming in his chest because he knew how powerful it was, knew how upset Monkey king would be that it was gone, and then held it out, about to pass it into her unmoving open hand.

The weapon just about brushed her fingertips when the thudding in his chest overpowered him and MK snatched it back, watching her wearily.

"How do I know you'll let him go?" He asked, the words more of an accusation but she didn't seem bothered in the slightest. She hadn't even moved after him as he'd pulled away.

"I will do as I've said. Once I have what I want I will release him. His destiny doesn't end in chains." That was all she offered and though MK didn't want to simply take her word for it he realized, as he stared at the staff and then her, that he didn't have any other option. 

"Okay. Okay fine." And with that the staff was in her hands, her fingers immediately curling around the staff in an iron grip. 

"Now let him go!" MK demanded, his heart thumping erratically in his chest at being defenseless or that she might not keep her end of their deal. 

"As promised, I shall." She snapped her fingers and the chains wrapped around Macaque's arms broke apart, snapping easily and clattering loudly to the floor as Macaque also dropped to his knees, legs wobbling like the chains had been the only things holding him up. 

MK immediately turned around, his back to the Bone Demon, equally surprised and relieved that she'd done as said when she could have easily not while his worry for his dad grew. 

Before he could rush forward and crush Macaque into a hug, she spoke.

"With the power of this staff, I am much too powerful for you to deny me. This time, your destiny has found you, son of Wukong." The words made MK freeze, her tone cold and smooth as his heart lurched up into his throat while his whole body froze in terror at how very close she sounded. How very sinister. It sounded like she was grinning. Even though MK knew he should turn around, should get away from her, his feet felt like they were frozen to the floor, his whole body stiff and ridged.

 Macaque stumbled to his feet at her words though, rushing forward and pulling out his own weapon despite the obvious pain it caused him as he fought to get to them both.

MK bearly had enough time to turn around or stumble away from her when there was a hand, chilling and strong, clasped around his arm tight enough to hurt, snatching out at him like a snake. His head ached, vision blurring immediately as suddenly she was gone, a sudden extra presence in his mind burning at his control heavy enough to make him drop to his knees, vision swimming with blue.  

It was like being under ice. The world crumbling away from him so suddenly he felt lost. The feeling of cold so strong it burnt and scorched where it touched, a heavy, aching presence that made his head feel like it was about to split apart. 

He was sure he gasped, hands clawing at the sides of his head like he could dig her out when suddenly hands that weren't his own were touching his face, a voice near him muffled but familiar enough that he opened his eyes, fighting to see. He hadn't even realized he'd closed them.

In front of him was his dad. He was also on his knees, eyes flooded with panic as he called MK's name. 

"Come on MK, fight her! You can do this, kid, I've got you." For a moment warmth in his chest made MK begin to smile, his eyes staring into his dad's but the feeling was immediately crushed by her, and this time MK felt like he really was slipping away. 

He couldn't do this. This was so much worse than last time. He felt like he was being dragged away, the grip unrelenting even as he kicked and screamed.

"You have to go." He managed to breathe out, fighting to get the words out and ignore the sickeningly calm, terrifying voice in his head telling him to give in.  

"What? Kid no, I'm not leaving without you!" He sounded so sure, so certain and MK's heart ached, feeling so pathetic and hopeless because he wasn't strong enough, because he didn't want to have to watch his dad get hurt again.

"Get Baba and leave, I can't-" Tears slipped down his face but he didn't feel it, head pounding like someone had taken a hammer to it. He wasn't sure how much longer he could do this. She was stronger than before, dragging and clawing at him while he fought tooth and nail to delay the inevitable. 

If she took control now, MK wasn't sure he'd be able to stop her from getting Macaque and Sun Wukong. Both who deserve what they get and can't escape-

"Please." He begged, voice cracking as Macaque held onto his hands, shaking his head. 

"I'm not leaving you with her-" 

"Wukong's in the next room. Find him, free him, get my friends and then leave." 

 He couldn't really tell what was said next, squeezing his eyes shut against the onslaught of laughter in his head. He thought that maybe Macaque had said something else but it felt like someone had grabbed his leg and was shoving him underwater because suddenly he felt like he couldn't breathe or see or move-  

(Okay so just to clarify in case I didn't make it clear enough, to possess people LBD needs to override their will with hers. That's why the last time MK was able to fight her off. She's stronger now so she's going to be much more in control much faster. 

I don't know why I keep hurting these people though, MK seriously needs a break. And therapy. They all need therapy. Especially after this.)

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